life and death

United States
August 22, 2010 9:03am CST
my father-in-law passed away suddently last month and my husband and i bought air flight tickets immediately after got the bad news throught telephone.Then 25 hours later we got to my husband's hometown of China from know ,in China,funeral should be huge and impressive in order to show the families loving and missing.we cried in the funeral.though my husband and i married for not a long time , i know he is a good father from my husband's story. when my husband was a child ,his family was very poor,they lived in thatched cottage without any furniture.All of income is just for food which only maintained lives.In order to earn the enough money for my husband's college dream,my father-in-law and mother-in-law did almost every kind of job:they planted corn,rice,they planted watermelon ,potato,they feed chicken,goose,cow,they catched this situation,my husband finished his college ,master,doctor,post,we have the enough money to enjoy life,but ,my father-in-law is gone,he left us left the world so fast,even no words remained . i know you are a good man and a good fater,God accept you in his paradise,rest his soul!!
1 response
• Philippines
23 Aug 10
Hi dear, accept my condolences. He is in the right place now in Heaven together with our Godly Father. Yeah sometimes life is like that, it seems so unfair but it is his destiny and he fulfilled his reason to live. And that is to brought up his family, his children by all means no matter how hard the life is. That is the love of a father that can never be measured. May his soul rest in peace! And I think he is happy wherever he is now. Don't be sadden so much, support your husband's grieving dear.