slim fast

@julsie (70)
August 22, 2010 5:17pm CST
has any of you tried slim fast?? i lost almost a stone back in may on the slim fast plan but i got injured and couldnt do the excerise for a period of time, so naturally the weight went back on. So now i have been back on slim fast for almost 3 months but the weight is just not coming off like it did last time. what i am doing wrong??
4 responses
@ree_yah (462)
• Philippines
27 Aug 10
hey! if you want to lose weight... all you need is discipline.. then your going to a body youv enever imagined
• India
26 Aug 10
hhhhiiiii,To reduce your fat , take proper diet along with proper exercise, try to eat less at night because food does not digest properly at can eat sufficient at morning,avoid taking milk at night and do not eat oily food ,ONE MOST IMPORTANT THING warmup is necessary before exercise,so before gym run 15 to 20 minutes daily
• United States
25 Aug 10
I've never tried slim fast because I know that it isn't exactly a healthy way to lose weight. I had weight problems most of my life and I know how frustrating it can be to fight off stubborn fat and cravings. Actually there are many ways to become slimmer, such as starving yourself, eating spinach and carrots all day, but that's not the type of diet I'm too fond of though. But first of all, it's a good idea to eliminate foods with bad sugar, fructose corn syrup, fried foods, the skin on chicken and processed foods. This was my biggest problem, because I always ate chocolate, frozen pizzas, lasagna, pot pies, etc, because it was convenient for me and taste good. I blew up like a balloon from it. To give your weight loss a big push, you can add organic apple cider vinegar to your meals or add it to a glass of water before every meal. All you need is two tablespoons for each serving. Organic apple cider vinegar releases fat cells from the body and aids in digestion. This stuff can work wonders for your metabolism if you take it everyday with each meal, but you must still eat well balanced meals and do some type of exercise like walking. That's what I did, and need to do it more because it helps and help me sleep better at night. Another thing is to try to eat smaller meals throughout the day rather than 2-3 big meals a day. The body fat's burning furnace goes on a fat burning mission when it consumes small amounts of food at a time. Too much at one time will over load it, and it won't digest all the food, so it will add it to the fat storage on your body (yuck!) I rather go the natural way when losing weight, because once you clean your body of all the bad fat and toxins, you'll have little to no cravings for foods that isn't healthy for you. It's a job to be healthy, but it's well worth it for me.
• Quezon City, Philippines
24 Aug 10
from the name 'slim fast' it's expected to help you lose weight fast. but if it's already been 3 months and you're not slimming down then there must be something wrong. maybe this weight loss plan is not just really fit for you. some workouts or diets work for some people but not for others - that's just how it goes. have you tried others? you can find a better program that suits you best. best of luck!