Goodbye unemployment!

@marty3888 (2355)
Acme, Michigan
August 22, 2010 5:56pm CST
In april 2008, I lost my job. I've been registered with Express, a temporary service where I would get assignments every now and then that would last ten days or so. I went on numerous interviews that never worked out. This past Friday, I had an interview at 10 am. He told me he would be making a decision by Tuesday. I had, in fact had a three day assignment the week before, so after the interview, I went to Express to pick up my check. From there I went to the bank to deposit it into the bank. Right before the teller was going to hand me my reciept and some change, my cell phone rang. It was one of the managers. He asked me if I think I could add to give them what they're missing. I said yes. He told me to come in Monday for training. I thanked him, hung up my phone and told the teller, "I just got a job!" I really hope I can make this work. I'm an account executive, calling people on the phone. It's a great place to work, the people are wonderful, but they do expect 7 leads a week. I've had one so far. But employees there tell me sometimes it takes some time. And he did say if you are dedicated and you're attendancde is good, we'll get more time. I can't wait to go on the unemployment site this thursday and on the first question "are you back to work full time? I can click Yes!!!!!
2 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
25 Aug 10
That's sweet! I bet that's so exciting for you. I have a friend who works at a law firm in collections, and she had monthly goals - which she didn't reach for months and months in a row. I think it's important to show them that you are trying, of course, and shoot for the goals - but what happened with her, is that her boss came up to her and said, "We actually have another position in the company hiring for a non-goals call job", and so she took it. So who knows - at least there's the possibility of different positions at the company. I don't know if that's relevant at all, but I thought I'd share it with you. lol. CONGRATS once again on getting a job!!!
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
28 Aug 10
thank you tnank you tnank you! I don't think there's anything like that here. But first of all, that's good to here that she actually went months before telling her about this other position. But here's what happened to me. Thursday morning, I felt I was going to be OK. By afternoon, hadn't got anything and I sort of thought I may have a week left before he lets me go. Because told us he wants 7 leads a week to start off, then later on, 10. this week got two. Yesterday, a few differant people gave me some new things to say and I got a lead. I was excited and told him at the end of the day "you have a great weekend!" He said "you too, good job this week." so I'm feeling alot better now. And everyone there is telling me you're new, don't be so hard on yourself. If I can even survice a month, I know I can bring those numbers up. But I'm glad you told me that because in case something happens, I can ask him. Because I know he likes me personally. Everyone there does. It really is a great place to work.
• United States
22 Aug 10
Congrats! I've been unemployed since the end of January and it is always good to hear a success story on the employment issue.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
23 Aug 10
Thanks! I'm sorry to hear that. Obviously, I know what you're going through. Sign up with as many temp services and employment services you can. I'd say for the first 6 monthes, I wouldn't because I thought, "I'm not looking for a temporary job, I need another permament one." But eventually, I did sign up and within one week I was working. And another ten days it was over. But at least every now and then, I was getting up going to work again. And I think that might have helped in me getting all those extensions from unemployment. Also, look at Craigslist every day. I got most of my interviews from jobs posted on Craigslist, including this one. Try to stay positive and good luck. I'm looking forward to hearing your success story soon!