Do you think it is very need to get a diploma nowadays?

August 30, 2010 7:06pm CST
We always see a lot of high-educated people harder and harder to find a good job nowadays. The inflation of education gets more serious in China now.In the speaking of maketing, the selling side,students,becomes much and much cheaper after years and years inflation of recruiting.The education seems to be not a good investment any more. What is you opinion, mylot friends?
5 responses
• China
31 Aug 10
All I have seen and experienced are shown that a good diploma will mean a good job. Of course, there would be a exception, but the one without diploma should pay more effort and more communications. When two men apply the same work at the same time, one have the diploma and the other one have not, if you are the manager, which one will you employ?
• China
31 Aug 10
I will employ the man with diploma absolutely if they have the same capability while asking for the same salary. Now,we are talking about education investment, while someone are in schools, someone out of schools is learning from the society, they just invest time to learn skill in society just like students learn something in schools, they learn to communicate and how to interact with people, they get out school early, they can earn money, and most importantly, they have the advantage to catch opportunity because they are early. An example around me,if you get a position in college, you can get 120 thousand RMB money 5 years ago, you can get 70 3 years ago. You can get 30 one year ago. Now,nothing. So, early is another opportunity. Thanks for replying.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
31 Aug 10
Education is always and forever a good investment. It is non perishable. Our education is like a fuel to get us always moving forward even on steep. Yes, diploma holders were struggling to get a job. Often times we get a job under our qualification. If we don't have education, what job could we get??
• Australia
31 Aug 10
Well it depends in which "Niche" we want to get a job? I think we need to make a research what is on highest demand and get a diploma accordingly but "Education is always and forever a good investment" I believe so.
@Steinway (307)
• United States
31 Aug 10
I have mixed feeling about that. There are some people like me, that did went to college, and now we are working, at a factory. And, you have some people that didn't go to college, who are making good money. So, I think it all depends.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
31 Aug 10
Yes, life is partly about luck as well, there is no denying that. So just because you study, there are no guarantees that you will succeed in life, but I would say it makes your chances slightly better.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
31 Aug 10
I do, I think knowledge is power and studying is the best way to get knowledge, so it will remain important to me no matter what to be honest.
• Philippines
1 Sep 10
There used to be a time when diploma didn't matter..look at the original geniuses. Diploma and certificates have become tools to sieve the many applicants to oh so few job opportunities. Education, I believe, is still necessary if you look at it as a learning venue and not only as a means to land a job that you want. Although, there are people (though few) who are self-taught and doing good. The problem is deeper than the issue of education that results to the concerns you mentioned.