What's the easyest thing to draw?

United States
August 30, 2010 10:28pm CST
I'm just wondering, I know everyone has there favorite things they like to draw but what do you find the easyest thing to draw and is it your favorite thing as well.
2 responses
• Canada
31 Aug 10
A circle, or better yet.. just a line.
• United States
1 Sep 10
Thanks for your responce hmm dose the circle have to be perfectly round or the line strait ( just kidding )
@Cargoleta (723)
• Spain
9 Nov 10
For some reason I find it quite easy (as well as really relaxing) to draw landscapes; there's something very soothing about it, painting the sky, mountains... you name it :) Another thing I find really nice to draw is hair (especially if it's long), which I believe I have gotten better at due to drawing it very often, which has also made it easier for me :) Take care!