how long will you survive..

United States
September 14, 2010 11:52am CST
would you still go back to a person who still keeps hurting you over and over again?
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6 responses
@daliaj (5674)
• India
14 Sep 10
I won't let somebody take advantage of me by hurting me over and over. I will let happen only a few times. I mean that I will give chances to the person only a few times for him or her to change. I can't take it when somebody takes advantage of me or ill treats me. I hate people who take advantage of others good character or the mentality to help. It also depends on the relationship I have with the person.
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• United States
14 Sep 10
you actually pointed out something that i would also like to point out.. i think that we allow people that are important to use to hurt because we would like to them to change..
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
14 Sep 10
apparentely I will. I have been with this guy for 6 years now. We are married and have a family but he doesn't provide for us maybe less than 30% he has provided for us. I think he tries but then he is just too selfish. He doesn't hurt me physically or emotionally just financially. My gram has been saying for years that I will never get ahead as long as I am with him. She is probably right. But what do I do? I am all he has, except the kids. He's not a bad person. Just doesn't have his priorities in order. It will take an act of God to change him.
• United States
14 Sep 10
Now he is in legal trouble and we have to pay $750 for him stealing or not stealing this money. I really don't think he did because I'd like to think I would know if he had that much money. But I guess even when you know someone you really don't know them. I'm sorry that you had to put up with the physical abuse. I don't know whether to leave him or not. It would be hard on my own. Sometimes I've thought about it. I did leave him once and that was a nightmare. He called CYS on me and had our daughter taken from me. My grandma had to take money out her investment account to pay for it to get her back.
• United States
14 Sep 10
good luck on that.. i think that you really love him to be able to sacrifice this much to for both of you.. my husband is like that, he doesnt provide for us at all.. but the problem is he is very selfish that he doesnt care about me or the kids as long as he is comfortable.. at first, i felt the same way that you did, i wanted to be the one to change him, until things got worse and worse.. he hurts me not only financially but also emotionally and physically.. i once experienced getting a blow on the face from him.. so i eventually gave up.. but it took me 4 years only to give up on him.. i guess its because i realized that i have sacrificed enough..
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@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
15 Sep 10
No, I'm never. If you want to love any person, you must know to love you first.
• Philippines
14 Sep 10
ouch! i love myself, i respect myself so i wouldn't do that. so i have to move on and leave the person behind although he/she must have been part of my life. i just can't allow anyone to hurt me all over again.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
14 Sep 10
And why would I want to do that? Who is this person who I need to go back to but hurts me over and over again? What drives me to go back for more hurt?
• United States
14 Sep 10
coz you wuold like to go back.. some one who is important to you.. your emotional attachemnt..
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
16 Sep 10
Nobody who hurts me over and over is important to me. I want to be loved not hurt. I will emotionally detach myself from those that want to hurt me.
@k1124n4ku (122)
• Indonesia
15 Sep 10
if he hurts me a couple of times, i will give him or her my forgiveness. but if he or she hurts me over and over again, i will forgive him or her too but i don't want to meet him or her anymore. cause i want an anticipation so he or she will not hurt me again, so he learn from his or her mistakes.