a baby found in an airlines trashbin???

@acey76 (1276)
September 17, 2010 3:06am CST
What are you comments about this? It was said that it belongs to a Filipina domestic helper that got abused by her employer. It's really sad that the baby would be seen in this condition, and i'm also sad for the fact that another one adds up to the Filipinas that get abused by foreign employers..How can our government help our "today heroes" our fellow Filipinos working abroad?
4 responses
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
WHy can't she just call the proper organizations to sent her complaint rather than keep the shame by throwing the baby away! as i have said in my discusssion, if they raped, then they can call for help there abroad. we have migrante party list that helps a lot of OFW's concerns. what she did could caused her to go to prison for attempted infanticide. she just made her situation worse.
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
es i agree also....i hope we try all not to correct our mistake by another mistake....poor baby.... i wish our goverment intense the fight for Filipinos thats been abused
@elvieb02 (695)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
what the mother did was sad, but let's not condemn the mother. she was in a situation where she doesn't know what to do. it's hard to comment on this, but let's just pray that the baby will grow in a happy environment and the mother will get help, as we know that she'll have a really difficult time.
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
It's really sad because it's not the baby's fault to be born in this world. The government should take measures to protect our OFWs working abroad since the OFWs are paying dutifully for OWWA's fees, etc. Filipina DH should also learn how to protect themselves and if in case they will be maltreated then they should report it immediately to the nearest Consul.
@acey76 (1276)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
yeah i agree with you ....:-(
@jennbart (1330)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
But how can officials help if she is not complaining? She did not report rape in the Philippine Embassy there.Why did not she report it the first time she was raped? 9 months will take her to carry the baby in her tummy. in that 9 whole months, she did not report any incident? and now, she will just throw the baby away? What kind of a mother is that? For me she is not a hero... she is a MONSTER!
@ktmatunog (912)
• Philippines
17 Sep 10
First thing, how could a sane mother throw her baby in a trash bin? She have other choices like giving it to the social services for care if she doesn't want the baby. I am so sad to hear some stories like this. Babies are gifts from God and they need their mother's care/concern/want/desire. They simply need their mother's love. That's all they ever need. The mother maybe has mental problem. Is she afraid not to take good care of the baby or she doesn't want this baby at all?