Why do people commit Suicide?

@incus99 (1083)
September 19, 2010 7:04am CST
I vaguely understand a situation why a person would ever be interested in taking his/her own life... We don't own our life not even our body.. Our body is the temple of our souls.. which is owned by God. On the psychological sense, would ending ones life solve all your problems? What do you think?
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8 responses
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
19 Sep 10
Hi there Incus 99! I think it is because of severe depression and anxiety. Some could not understand but those who attempted doing that will definitely understand. You're right, we should know that we were lent this body as a blessing but we can also not pass judgment for those that do not understand it. Maybe it is because of one's upbringing, their priorities in life, and what they fear they were losing that led them to decide that it would be much better to die.
19 Sep 10
Well said totally agree with you.
• United States
27 Sep 10
It has to be some deep set psychological problems that cause it. I've read articles about how when people kill themselves they are in a moment of certifiable insanity. It's like a compulsion. It's just what led to that compulsion? I would say generally it is mental illness. Their minds are driving them so insane that the only way to get out is to literally get out of the world. It's a sad thing.
@hotsummer (13836)
• Philippines
20 Sep 10
they have lost courage. that is the reason. lost all hope also. no man is an island .we need help. i think that is the way to prevent it. if a person will find someone who he can confide and ask help. and lots of encouragement that they will not do those things.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
20 Sep 10
For me the reason is Satan is the one who rule the mind of if they are not to pray for Jehovah God for help then the are influence by bad thing's.
20 Sep 10
I think they just want to accelerate the natural process. Some people do not want to wait too long.
@misalax (307)
• Ireland
20 Sep 10
They say it's because of too much depression and hopelessness. But for me it probably is because that person doesn't have the courage to face his/her problems and to try fixing it. In the end you feel the pain no more of having that certain problem, but it goes straight to those ones who actually love and care for you. You will actually scar them for life into thinking that they werent able to help you while you were still alive and theyd think on where they went wrong.
@liyanne (41)
• Philippines
20 Sep 10
Maybe because they think they're helpless that there's no way that their problems can be solved. That is because they lack faith in God. They think that if they cannot solve their problems on their own, no one else will help them.
• United States
19 Sep 10
they do it from pressure depression stress economy can't deal with a heavy load i can go on and on but i'm not you get the point.