Our autumn pot luck, food for thought. Baked beans with a twist.

@writersedge (22563)
United States
September 19, 2010 11:12am CST
We had a pot luck and then a drumming/meditation. I made baked beans with kielbassa. There was also salmon, cole slaw, german cholocate cake with fondant and blackberry buckel. I drank lots of water because the salt level was a little high for me. This was only the 3rd time I've made baked beans. 2 successes and 1 failure. Most people sugar and salt the heck out of their baked beans in my area. They put so much molasses that the white beans are almost black. I just put brown sugar. The often put sooo much catch up that they taste like campbell's baked beans. I went to an old time cook book that said to just put enough in to get rid of or cover the earthy (dirt) taste. I used black pepper, dried onions and a couple of onions from my garden (little green onion), some brown sugar, catchup and small slices of kielbassa. My husband said he would have liked it better with bacon. So have you ever made something with a twist to it? One unusual ingredient? Have you ever had a pot luck and then a meditation? We learned to eat food, drum/meditate, and then have desert years ago. OR else all we want to do is go to sleep. So have you learned to change anything like the sequence or order that you do things?
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5 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
19 Sep 10
I am strictly a "follow the directions" type person. The only thing I change is, if I have no fresh garlic, I'll use powder.. I know, I'm boring..But I would love to learn how to make good baked beans without pork products. I know that chicken brother is great for replacing the bacon flavor on green beans, so I am thinking about trying that because to buy baked beans without pork is more expensive..
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
19 Sep 10
Fakin' Bacon is another good replacement product. Only sold in our health food cooperative. Just search vegetarian baked beans from scratch or I'd try Jewish baked beans or Kosher baked beans if I were you and then add with navy beans or from scratch or with dried beans or dry beans. Whenever I search bean recipes on the internet, I get millions. So I have to keep adding discriptors to cut it down to something managable and what I actually want. The poorer a person gets, the more substitutions one makes or when people don't eat the regular but want something. Like for example, someone was at the pot luck who eats kielbassa, but isn't crazy about bacon and wanted me to make baked beans. Hense the substitution. Dried bean packages often have recipes on them. B ut most include pork in my area. Maybe in a store that caters to people who can't eat pork like a Middle Eastern store (Muslims don't eat pork either), the packages might have pork-free recipes. Sometimes I just type in all my ingredients that I have and see what recipe comes up. That way I don't have to buy something.
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• United States
19 Sep 10
No stores like in this county writer because guess where my family is today? The counties "Pork Festival" Yeah, can you believe it, I live in a county where their festival has pork to eat as well as pig races and the one thing I never saw and don't want to see, the butchering of a pig..Grosss.... I can get turkey bacon and even had found turkey bacon bits I put on my salad. It was okay, but I don't think it would make good baked beans..
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
19 Sep 10
We have stores with vegetarian sections. Our Food Co-op was going to be vegetarian and it was for years, but now they have organically grown meat. But the vegetarian section is huge and fakin bacon works great for all pork bacon needs. You have to use way more, but it works great!
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Sep 10
I haven't tried to make baked beans from scratch. I found a recipe in Yankee magazine that I would like to try. It does sound easy enough. My old standby is to use Grandma Brown's baked beans and add to that. I do use molasses, onion, mustard and bacon to liven it up.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
19 Sep 10
Long time no hear from you Elusive Butterfly. Are you busy being elusive? Thnaks for stopping by!. Yankee magazine has some great recipes. Molasses in moderation is fine. I've had baked beans made with the rest of the ingredients and only the sweatener has changed like brown sugar sometimes, maple syrup some times, and I made some with honey before. Since Boston Baked beans started one line of baked beans, Yankee magazine should be good.
• United States
20 Mar 11
For me, for any potluck supper, I will choose Grandma Brown's Baked Beans. High in fiber. It is absolutely cholesterol free. I rather not put any sweet stuff in there at all. Maybe shredded cheddar or even swiss cheese in there. Not even brown sugar or molasses. Along with beans, I will have veggies fresh from the produce. I do have lots of water to maintain of course. Just to make everyone laugh, I will choose peanut butter, onions, and worms to be added to baked beans. I will choose homemade mac n cheese. My father loves baked beans and even chili. For my chili, I choose dark red kidney beans, peppers, no meat, diced tomatoes, celery, spices, bread crumbs, Ragu or Prego sauce, and diced onions. I slow cook my chili in the crock pot.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
20 Mar 11
Grandma Brown's baked beans already has sweet stuff in it. Cheese sounds really good to add. You eat worms? What kind? All those sound good. Thanks and take care.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
24 May 11
Hi. writersedge. I have never experienced having a potluck at all. I have been changing up how I usually cook though. I added vegetable oil to my rice on Sunday because I did not have any margarine at home. I also have started using low sodium seasoning salt instead of using regular seasoning salt. It is more healthier this way and it works out just fine. Your baked beans recipe sounds very delicious. I am sure that it taste delicious with sausages.
@celticeagle (161083)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Sep 10
My grandmother always fixed green beans with bacon. She also taught me to fixed baked beans. I put molasses and brown sugar in it to cook and then at the last I put lots of onions and green peppers in it. I always get rave reviews. About the only things I have changed is that I try to eat snacks and not really big meals.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
20 Sep 10
I've never had any with green peppers. I'd like the onions in toward the last, but my husband wants them in at the beginning. Sounds like you put enough of everything in and at the right time to make everyone happy. Yup, more salads for me, too. Thanks and take care.
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@celticeagle (161083)
• Boise, Idaho
20 Sep 10
I did make it once with the green peppers just because I had so many of them and was looking for places to use them in. They were a hit and so I continued when I had them. I would some onions in at the beginning and some toward the end too. They cook up quickly.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
21 Sep 10
It's great that you used your green peppers that way. Maybe you could start a discussion about using things up (for food) in unusual ways or something. I bet it would be a very interesting discussion.
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