can i love a married man who is my boss? should i tell him my feeling?

September 29, 2010 7:32am CST
He is my boss of our Headquater in another country. I met him at the first time 2 weeks ago. We got along with each other several days, i found he is a charming gentalman, handsome, humour, polite... I can't help myself to fall in love with him, but I know I can't, he has a perfect fambily, his capable wife, his lovely girl and boy...I just keep silence in front of him, but I tell him that he is very handsome like a movie star in my eyes, I don't know if it's rude, but I just can't control myself. I still remember one day we stood in the bus, and I nearly fall to the floor because the bus moved suddenly, he hold my waist by his hand to stop my falling. I was so shy at the moment even didn't say thank you to him, I regret it a long time, but it's the most beautiful memory in my mind... He came back to his country after 1 week, it's far away from me. He is in Europ while I'm Asian. Maybe next time we see each other several years later. These days I can't sleep and eat well, just can't stop missing him. Could you friends give me some advice? thank you!
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26 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
29 Sep 10
You are just being a foolish girl. Do not encourage this man (if he needs encouragement). Why would you want to destroy a marriage? Pull yourself together and look for someone from your own station.
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• China
29 Sep 10
thank you so much, my first response. I don't want to destroy a marriage, that's why i keep silence. but may you know, love is what i can't help... i don't kown how to control my feeling, very minute i want to cry, for the love with no bless, no hope,no possibility... I can't look for anyone else, because I can't forget him...
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@luxlyangels (1286)
30 Sep 10
Married Men, Then NO dont do that. Does he have interest in you? then he just want to get into your pants. Its the bitter truth, Please dont do anything stupid ok just let this one be. Put your sef in the wifey position woud you want another girl to fall in love with your husband?
30 Sep 10
Now there is where you make your big mistake my friend. If you walk up to me and tell me your feeling and i dont have interest in you before ,when i get home i wiuld start thinking of you and what i can have from you and all. Thats guys for you. You will then put it in his mind and that can lead to something dangerous.
• China
30 Sep 10
i just want to know if he knows my feeling, what will he do? if he has no interests in me, nothing will happen. it's good for both of us...
• China
30 Sep 10
oh, my god!! i don't know men at all! he just wants to take advantage from the woman he has no interest before, is there any possibility that he will fall into love of her? woooo, maybe this question is toooo naive...
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
If I were you, I should stop thinking about him. We both knew that it will led to nothing but heartache and frustration. It will be a help if you will stay away from him if he's around. And knew that you're the only one who could help yourself from being not in love with that married man. And being with that man would you be prepared to be his mistress if ever he will show you his affection?
• China
30 Sep 10
stop thinking, easy to say, hard to do...
• Philippines
4 Oct 10
Hello my friend. How are you today? Anyway to tell you frankly my friend I think you should and "must" not tell him your feelings. Why? You already know the answer to that question my friend. He's a "married" man. As what you said he have a perfect family, capable wife and has 2 kids already. It's not good if you continue what you're feeling on him. And it's not good to be a Home Wrecker. Imagine my friend, you would ruin "4 lives" if you continue your feeling on him. You said that he's in Europe and you're in Asia and you said that maybe years will come by before you see each other again. So I think you should use that huge amount of time to look for someone else who's free. Try to unwind yourself. Go on vacation and think thousand times my friend about your feeling for him. Think thousand times if it's really a love or just an admiration. I'm saying this my friend "Based" on my Experience. A lot of people will and might hate you. And that's not right. Think of it my friend. I hope you'll not take this negatively. This is just my opinion. It's up to you. Anyway that's all for now. Give me an update later and I'll stay in touch. Thanks. Hope you're having a good day.
• China
11 Oct 10
thank you so much for your kindly suggestion, my friend. i'm on my vocation these days because our National Day. Frankly speaking i missed him these date lots of times, but i'm not so painful though i still love him. i find other happiness when i stay with my family mumbers. I hope i can keep this kind of calmness. and after thinking it over, i realize that the last thing is to tell him, he is nobody but my boss, and because of the great disparity from his place to mine, we seldom contact directly, i'm afraid he forgets me already. And he has his perfect life, i will have mine. I hope this feeling is just a good memory in my heart, for ever. er...i feel a little pain now...but i'll be ok... thank you again :)
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
30 Sep 10
Two mistakes in one sentence. Never get involved with a married man. If the relationship were to progress, it is guranteed that the next pretty thing that comes along will catch his eye just like you did. once a cheater always a cheater. If he is willing to cheat with you, he will cheat on you. Also, don't get involved with someone you work with, especially someone who is above you on the food chain. That just makes everything awkward. With him being a continent away, chalk it up to an infatuation, and not true love. Look for someone else.
30 Sep 10
i m loving you already. really nice one, Happy mylotting my friend!
• China
30 Sep 10
all responses tell me keep distance from him, married man, and my boss. it's correct that i keep silence these days. but the time is hard i can't avoid hearing from him even a business information about him make me happy, excited terrible days! Asyria, thank you for your suggestion Luxl, you are a so nice and humor friend. have a nice day~~~
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
No matter how much you like your boss is not important, the thing is he is married! I can understand that it is easy to fall for a person who is very nice to you, I also do and I guess most girls do too. But just keep in mind that he has his family and you wouldn't want to be the "number two" or the other woman, he cannot marry you unless he divorced his wife. Just try to focus your attention on single men, I'm sure there are many around you. :)
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
30 Sep 10
No you should not tell him how you feel at all. If he went along with it then you are encouraging him to be unfaithful to his wife. If he doesn't feel the same about you then you are just going to put him in a very awkward spot. You have only known him for 2 weeks and never even gone on a date with him or anything. You have a fantasy in your head as to what kind of man he is and truth don't know much about him at all. He could be nothing like what you imagine or he could be everything you imagine. He is married.
• China
29 Sep 10
should i at least let him know my feeling? i just tell him, i won't say others any more,the following is up to him, should i? maybe it's just too selfish...i don't know. i think love need to be said out...if he even doesn't know my feeling, i can't give up at the moment
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
4 Oct 10
oh no. you are a single intelligent woman. do not let your life be ruined like this.. and do not ever tell him how you are feeling. these are only admirations.. just use this as an inspiration but find your own man.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
29 Sep 10
First and foremost my friend, you have to control your feelings for your boss. Second, find ways to deviate your feelings for him. You may perhaps just admiring your boss for the qualities he has and not because you love him. I think if that is love you are feeling for him, there is no reason at all why you love him. Love cannot be explained. Love has no reason when it strikes. Anyways, if that is love, control it as early as possible because he is already married. When you almost fell in the bus, he might perhaps just being nice. Do not give malice to his actions.
• China
29 Sep 10
I know in the bus he just helped me just like every gentleman to a lady. but because of the feeling, I take it special. All of the rule I know, I should keep destance from a married man...but, I just love him, never mentione to him, may I ???
@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 10
Lora, have you ever thought that his wife is a human, women, a girl, a mother of his children, and have feelings like you do too? And yes, she loves him more than you do, that is why she is a wife and mother of his children. Your feeling is just an illusion, that is why you only think of your own feeling and never thought of how much his family, wife, and children don't wanna lose him. Do not be selfish just because you fell for a married man. The wife and his children deserve his attention more than you. so don't even think of trying to tell him your feeling and see what he will do! that is just pure pure pure childish and immature. don't end up breaking up another woman's heart and also the children. Put yourself in his wife's shoe. what if another single girl do that to your husband??? would you laugh?? for christ sake, keep the feeling to yourself, and leave them alone! He have kids, so be a little bit more responsible.
@misheli (552)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
It's normal for us to adore or admire a person. Maybe you are just admiring him and that's not love yet. Try to focus your mind in something else where you will forget him. If you see him again don't show him that you have feelings for him because you might destroy a family and if that happens the kids are the one who will suffer. I hope you find another man who is single.
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
In my own opinion its not wrong to love a person even if he/she is married but you just keep it as a secret of your own to avoid troubles.Love will come on you at the right time,all you have to do is wait.
• China
30 Sep 10
it's just so hard to carry a secret ...
@johney264 (544)
• China
2 Oct 10
Some time I wonder why chinese girl fall in love foreigner so easily. maybe you have gave me answer. inrecent years,it was quite common to see that many foreign men married Chinese girls. Usually, the wedding ceremony was celebrated in a Chinese style. However, it is quite rare to see that Chinese men married foreign ladies. I wonder why there is such a strange phenomenon. Are Chinese girls more appealing than Chinese men to foreigners? I feel you already give me the real answer, chinese boys should make some effort.
@avic24 (57)
• Philippines
30 Sep 10
As I look into that situation, You're just admiring your boss maybe he has this good qualities you're looking for in a guy. The big tendency is to love him. But please take it easy....Its not really love your feeling that's only attraction. I advise you not to fall inlove in a married man. Make yourself busy, go out with friends or entertain suitors and come date with him. Girl, think twice...even thrice.. before committing yourself in a married man.
• China
30 Sep 10
i want tell him, very much, very much. .....
@vanopen (20)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
The fact that you are hesitant about your decision to fall for him deeper, only shows that what you are about to do is wrong. Now that you know it's obviously wrong, would you still have the guts to go with it? It doesn't matter that he's your boss. But the man's got a family. You will not only ruin your own life, but he's family will also be affected.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
30 Sep 10
It sounds as though you are in need of someone to Love in your life..Unfortunately,this Man sounds like the absolutely wrong Person to get involved with on many levels..He's Married with a wife and Family of his own,and He's in an executive position over You at work.I don't think an entanglement here would be good either for you or Your position at work.I hope You find someone else that'll appreciate You.
@youless (112222)
• Guangzhou, China
1 Oct 10
If I were you, I would not love this man although he is handsome, charming, polite, humorous etc. That is simple because he is married. He doesn't belong to me. He has a wife and children. This should be a happy family and people can't be so selfish to spoil others' happy life. One day you will find your own right man. Just don't waste your time for the people who are right for you. Good luck! I love China
@shaggin (71690)
• United States
1 Oct 10
First of all you only have a 1 by your name I think this might be your first discussion that you've started. Welcome to mylot! Now onto your discussion topic. I think that you are just being silly. You cant truly love someone if you barely know them. The fact that he is married means stay away from him! If you were his wife you wouldnt want someone trying to steal your man. Not only that you are just going to embarrass yourself when he doesnt feel the same way.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
You can look for other single man, one who could give you a happy family and bright future. You can love a married man but be ready for the consequences. Why dot do the right thing instead.
@ravend (659)
• Malta
1 Oct 10
Honey, forget it. Even if you have a story, you will always besecond choice to his wife. Do something, get your act together, and try to forget him.
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
i believe that you are just admiring your boss:D stay happy dont make life complicated :D smile:D