my knees are driving me mad

@doormouse (4599)
October 14, 2010 10:58am CST
the condition i have causes nerve and muscle pain,which i get every day,sometimes all day other times on and off all day,over the last half an hour i've developed such pain in my knees it's driving me insane,and there is nothing i can do except wait til it passes,there is no medication i can take as APARENTLY the type of pain i get pain killers won't work for,nor do anti inflamatories,i get to the point where i just want to hit them with a hammer,just to have normal pain that can be sorted out with pain relief,i won't do that don't worry,although i must say i have been very tempted to in the past,omg,this is driving me mad AAARRRGGGHHHH,,,sorry i've finished my little rant now
13 responses
• United States
14 Oct 10
Is it like joint pain. I was having a problem about a year ago and nothing I tried help so sometimes when was standing, and or sitting the minute I would move it hurt so bad. I took something over the counter called Trigosaminine. It lubricated, relieves and builds the joints. It is quite pricey but can I tell you after a year in agony and having taken it for a week was well worth it. I have plenty left and treasure them like gold as absolutely nothing I did prior to this helped a bit.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
14 Oct 10
medicines cost you something...but Yoga will cost you nothing...just try it once...and it will not only take away your pains but also make you fit and if u do it continuously it will bring glow on your face too ...both of you !!!
@doormouse (4599)
14 Oct 10
it feels a bit like joint pain,but it's in the muscles,i've never heard of the pills you mentioned,are you from the uk coz if so i'll see if i can get my man to pick some up on the way home from work tonight
• United States
14 Oct 10
I am in the US and they sell in all pharmacies. So hopefully you can find it. It really is a good treatment as my boyfriends mom in Missouri was having a similar ache and I maled her a bottle and she loves me even more. hehehe.. I love doing simple things as it gains me that much more love.
@babyimp (151)
• Estonia
15 Oct 10
Quite alright. Sometimes when I've been surfing long the bones in my legs start hurting. Reason for that is because the most comfortable position I have while at PC is me sitting in a high-backed chair with my legs drawn up. While it isn't painful, my leg bones are under stress and that causes pain later. And then I can't sleep because of that pain. I use horse whatsit on my knees, that helps.
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@doormouse (4599)
15 Oct 10
what is horse whatsit,i've never heard of it,,thanks for the reply
@babyimp (151)
• Estonia
16 Oct 10
It's a horse balm, I'm pretty sure it's not actually for horses thogh. It contains arnica, rosemary, horse chestnut and some kind of mint oil. Helps with all kinds of sprains, aches, contusions and it's anti-inflammatory. It's really good too.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
14 Oct 10
I will tell you that you just try Yoga for some days ...these are breathing exercises, originally from can find the ways to do it online ....if you search for them you will get the process of doing it...try doing them for half am hour everyday and you will see the magic happening and then you will surely not rant...and you will write only discussions filled with happiness....i have experienced it myself...i had pain in my knees and it worsened when i slept under fan or AC...and after i started doing all vanished and i never have the problem again...
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
14 Oct 10
wish u all the best
@doormouse (4599)
14 Oct 10
that's really interesting,i've always wanted to do yoga,maybe now would be a good time to start
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I'm so sorry for you! I can only imagine what that must feel like, although I do have something similar that happens to me. Something apparently happened while I was having my hysterectomy, something on the operating table. Since that surgery, I've had absolutely no feeling from just below my belly button on down to, well, you know. Apparently, one or several nerves to this area were severed during that surgery. I USED to have feeling there but not since this surgery. Now, I occasionally have an itch in that area. I try to scratch it, as we all do, but, since I can't feel anything, I can't get rid of the itch. It's even weirder since I can't understand why I get an itch there in the first place. The itch feels like it's under the skin but, since the skin is totally without feeling, I can't get rid of the itch by scratching it. So, I kinda know how you feel since an itch that won't go away can be as maddening as a pain that won't go away but I'd still rather have my problem than yours. Itching is maddening but doesn't hurt while your problem is a pain that can't get relief. So, I do feel so bad for you! I had a friend who was paralyzed from the neck down and he had nerve pain in his legs even though he couldn't feel anything touching him. Hopefully, medical science will someday come up with a solution to this awful nerve pain.
@mentalward (14691)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Wow! This must be more common than I thought. You've given me an idea, though. For years, I've thought about getting a tattoo, a little one, maybe a butterfly or dove or something but I've put it off because I've heard how much they hurt and I have fibromyalgia which intensifies all pain. So, being the ninny I am, I've avoided getting a tattoo but now I just might get one right below my belly button. I never thought about getting one there, where it wouldn't hurt. Awesome! At least being numb there is good for one thing, huh? Thanks!
@doormouse (4599)
15 Oct 10
i have exactly the same problem,i had a c section 15 years ago,then 13 years and my last one 9 years ago,and i have no feeling there either,when i had my tattoo around my belly button the tattooist couldn't believe that it didn't hurt until i explained why
• Chennai, India
14 Oct 10
Check the height of the chair or bench you are using in work. I too had a similar knee pain 20 years back. I couldn't find the reason why suddenly I developed such a pain. Finally, I myself found that the chair I was using was little extra high, so my feet were not touching the ground. (just by millimeters, not even centimeters) What I did was to put a pad under my feet. From the day I put the pad, the pain was gone. If it is due to cartilage problems, you can use glucosamine products. The glucosamine helps repair the cartilage damages and to some extent regenerates the cartilage. (If you are allergic to shellfish, you should test the glucosamine first.)
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@doormouse (4599)
14 Oct 10
i wish it was that simple,i have fibromyalgia which causes nerve and muscle pain and it's driving me crazy today,i'm in soo much pain,i'm worried to stand up incase it hurts more,but thanks for the info it's very interesting
• Chennai, India
14 Oct 10
Some females develop this kind of pain during their periods. I've seen a lady with muscle pain during periods. Massaging with terpentine would bring a little relief. You may try Infrared Light treatment also, which will relax your nervous system and sprains.
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• Philippines
18 Oct 10
Sometime i also experience pain in my knees and i usually massage them with liniment. According to the doctor it is rheumatoid arthritis and to avoid it from becoming worse, we should drink plenty of water and still continue moving it. If we don't move our knees it will be more painful the moment we move them.
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@doormouse (4599)
19 Oct 10
they thought i had arthritis at first until my test came back clear
@GardenGerty (157971)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I am sorry that your knees give you so much trouble. How about using either ice or a hot pack or alternating them. I find that my knees feel better when I take enough vitamins and minerals and walk, but I do not have any specific disorder or disease, other than a little bit of arthritis but only in one of my knees.
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@doormouse (4599)
14 Oct 10
i can't have anything cold on me as it causes more pain and i've tried various pills and potions,,my boyfriend has arthritis and he finds diclofenic helps,if you are in the uk then maybe you could try that,or otherwise find the next nearest thing
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I hear ya, I have fibromyalgia, and I hurt a lot, sometimes worse than others, and there does seem to be times when I want to drive a pick in the pain just to give it an excuse to hurt!
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• China
15 Oct 10
i think you should at first find the reason of your pain, or else you can never handle it. there are many reasons of pain, you can not release they just by taking painkiller. so. to consult to your doctor, let him help you out of your madness. another advice is to think or do other things to shift your attention away from the pain, but it is much harder. i have seen many patients with pain, so ,trust me, it is not too hard to lessen it.
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@doormouse (4599)
15 Oct 10
the cause of my pain is fibromyalgia,i've had this condition for the last 6 years,went to the doctors today and got some tramadol,which seems to be working ok at the moment
@marguicha (216598)
• Chile
14 Oct 10
Can you relax for a while and get a hot water bottle for each knee (not very heavy? You can watch TV or read meanwhile. Have you tried glucosamine with condroitin? It doesn´t help me much but I have heard it helps some people. I just read a mail from a friend about magnesium chloride. Check it. Luck!
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@doormouse (4599)
14 Oct 10
i've tried magnesium tablets and it didn't help,i haven't tried the other things yet,hot water bottles don't help i've already tried those,thanks anyway xx
• China
15 Oct 10
I am sorry to hear that .Pain may be the last thing people want to experience in the world ,let alone pain on knees .I bet that you have had seen your doctor .Unfortunately ,he or she couldn't help you out with your pain .Have you tried to see other doctors or receive treatment in other hospitals ?
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@doormouse (4599)
15 Oct 10
my previous gp said that no painkillers would work,but i was in so much pain last night that i made an appointment with my current gp today,i've been prescribed tramadol to use with severe flare ups,and she's also refering me to the local hospital
@gjax57 (897)
• United States
14 Oct 10
try rant all you want, hope the get better soon
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@doormouse (4599)
14 Oct 10
i see that you are from the usa,so our meds are different from yours,but thanks anyway x
@hying80 (34)
• China
15 Oct 10
Hey,sorry to hear that.If you tried massage?It will separate the tangled muscle .Wish the pain will reduce sooner. One year in the child,i get the pain from the teeth,then my face swelled so high as a egg in my mouth,even i couldn't eat Tofu.So terrible experience ended by unpluging the tooth.
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@doormouse (4599)
15 Oct 10
that sounds like an absess to me,my son gets these all the time,he's 9 and has had 3 teeth taken out so far,,i can't be massaged as it's hurts to much