do you consider watching television a part of your routine?

October 15, 2010 4:37pm CST
a pleasant day to all, here at the place where i lived, some of my flatmates cook and prepares their food early. as in, the food they are doing is still early to be prepare for the intended time serving. like, they are doing the cooking for dinner food around 3 pm which is quite early for a dinner time. to my surprise when i got a chance to ask for the reason, they are doing the early preparation of the food because they need to watch a soap opera. hence, they cannot do the cooking when the soap opera was being aired. and this was being done regularly, just like a part of their routine. how about you, do you also consider watching television a part of your daily routine?
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23 responses
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
i consider watching television a part of my routine,because if you are watching funny movie your illness will gone and you can relax while watching TV.
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
Indeed, watching television somehow relieves the tension and promotes a little bit of relaxation.
@fpsninja (874)
15 Oct 10
I tend to include tv watching in my routine. I always try to make sure i have finished all my uni work by 9, and watch tv from 9 to 10. This way, i get to watch tv. I also tend to watch tv on bbc iplayer in the mornings when at uni waiting for lectures to begin
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
So, it is indeed, watching television is really a part of the everyday routine.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
16 Oct 10
while i dont have a daily show that i watch but i do have weekly shows that i watch like antiques roadshow that i really hate missing.
@dodo19 (47211)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Oct 10
Well, I certainly have to say that watching television is part of my routine. At least, on some nights it is. There are just those shows that I really don't want to miss watching. So, to some extent it is.
@DoctorDidi (7018)
• India
17 Oct 10
No, I do not think so. I watch television, more famous as 'Idiot box' in my spare time just as a part of relaxation after a day long hard labour and for no other reason. I always keep away from the so calles reality shows as well as the soap operas which start but forget to end.
@grubder23 (271)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
um, yeah i do. well its kind of automatic for me to watch tv everyday, doesnt really bother me though if i cant watch it in a day if im like too into my computer and stuff or im in a place without a tv as long as i have my laptop. as for the early cooking thing. its the same here =)
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
16 Oct 10
I simply don't have time to put it as a part of my routine. Sometimes, I plan to watch television but I already fell asleep just five minutes after sitting on the bench. It's simply because I normally get busy during the day and don't have a lot of break time during the day as well. So I am happy already if I can watch a movie until it's finished.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Watching television has been a part of my daily routine for years. it is something that I have always enjoyed doing. It will probably remain so.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
16 Oct 10
I usually don't watch television because in this country television is extremely boring. Most of tv programs are comedies that aren't funny at all or programs showing people eating and finding everything delicious each time. If it wasn't this boring I would probably watch tv more often and make it turn into one of my routines, but it's going to be difficult if they don't make tv programs more variated and entertaining.
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
16 Oct 10
I won't say it's a daily routine but it's a form of relaxation for me. I don't get to watch tv often till late hours into the night, just before bedtime. Whatever u mentioned here regarding your flat mates applies to my mom as well. That's because she has been watching it right from the start and she's addicted to it. Only frequent tv watchers will know the feeling of missing out on episodes when they have been following the entire season. However my mom will never prepare such an early dinner, it's always late than never for her.
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
Yes, of course. I'm fond of watching television especially if it's my favorite show already. Aside from using the computer, I also like watching the television for entertainment and to fight my boredom when I'm here at home. :)
@pokumon (644)
• United States
16 Oct 10
No, I don't consider watching TV as part of my routine. I like TV, but I just as often miss my favorite shows. I miss Glee and I just watch it online. Glee was the only show I've really been following. But now I might start watching the comedy shows on NBC Thursdays even though I'm behind in the Office and 30 Rock. There are a lot of cable shows that I just watch on DVD. That's fine.
@Yada25 (44)
16 Oct 10
I could say that I haven't watch TV for 3 years. But I am all the time on the internet. The reason is I don't have TV at home and I prefered to get information and entertainment on the internet. Before the last 3 years, I am not really into the TV program as well.Maybe on the weekend but not regular.
• China
16 Oct 10
The soap opera is very popular in China,it cost us a lot of time,I fell lost after seeing it! It's also a kind of polution!
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
no. i like watching television (not that much though) but i just don't have the time. i have things to do after work. i watch movies though but i just prefer searching it online instead of DVDs or CDs.. when i'm home, there's not much to do there but bum around my mother's living room and watch tv or talk to my parents.
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
not really...usually to get updated with current events
@iamdee (158)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
Fortunately I am not an avid fan of television. My day is complete even if I don't get to watch TV. I would prefer surfing online than spending much of my time in watching the television. As of now my preferred channels in our television are Discovery and National Geographic because I really learn a lot from these channels. I guess there is nothing wrong in watching television as long as it is done in moderation because too much of anything is not healthy at all.
@namdaemun (283)
• Indonesia
16 Oct 10
Not exactly. I watch TV whenever I have free time or when I'm not surfing internet. TV shows in my country isn't interesting and I prefer watching movies in HBO or music channels.
@namdaemun (283)
• Indonesia
16 Oct 10
Not exactly. I watch TV whenever I have free time or when I'm not surfing internet. TV shows in my country isn't interesting and I prefer watching movies in HBO or music channels.
@umklassg (60)
• Canada
16 Oct 10
Watching TV isn't part of my routine since I use a DVR to record the shows I watch then watch them when I have time, I don't let it interfere with my daily schedule.