Angklung become the world's cultural heritage

Angklung become the world's cultural heritage - is a musical instrument made out of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame.
@indahfth (11161)
October 18, 2010 11:55am CST
Angklung traditional musical instruments will be confirmed as one of the world cultural heritage or a "World Intangible Heritage" by UNESCO in November 2010. Previously, angklung also rang been claimed by Malaysia, as the country's native musical instruments. In addition to the security and angklung recognition as world cultural heritage, will also be impacted economically. Angklung crafters will benefit by getting many orders angklung from within and outside the country. What do you think about this? Are you happy to hear this news?
12 responses
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
I really happy to heard that, and hope others traditional musicak instruments in Indonesia, that not listed yet in, even, national cultural heritage, can follows his sister, angklung Hope hope hope :)
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Yes. It's fun for us all. Hopefully, this is a good start.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 10
edo, nice to see you again.. are you bussy so you never seen here..
• Indonesia
25 Oct 10
Hi adhzy82, nice 2 c u 2 :) Yea, my jobs dazed & killing me, but I'm trying to post my comment, how about you?
• Indonesia
18 Oct 10
Of course I am happy. Now we can start to register all of our heritage. For me, I should thank to Malaysia. Why? Imagine, if Malaysia never claim our heritage, do you think we have any initiation to do to register that? I don't think so. Even most of our young generation do not really appreciate our traditional musics. Most of them loves other nation's musics. So sad...
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
18 Oct 10
but angklung just one of so many our traditional music so we all hope this can be a small step to protect our national identity and make our young generation know and love our own identity
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
@ivanmarginal I'm glad you took the positive side of our problem with Malaysia. Hopefully our generation can love the culture in Indonesia and Indonesian music. @satriahijau Yes, Satriahijau, All the people of Indonesia must have the same hopes with you.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Oct 10
hi indahfth I also send congratulations on your Angklung as a world cultural heritage. I am in the U S and understand the significance of tradional musical instruments. I am a lover of classical music and of preserving different countries ' native musical instruments. So I am happy for my fellow mylotter to hear this news. way to go.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Thank you. This news is very exciting for us.
@ifa225 (14376)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
that is great angklung is known as Indonesia, i don't know why Malaysia claimed it. i guess we have to be more aware about our culture heritage
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
Yes. We all should care about all the cultural heritage, so no more to steal.
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Hi indahfth, I just read this news about the Angklung today. It is a great news to me, I'm very proud of this our traditional musical instrument will be confirmed as world cultural heritage by Unesco. Happy mylotting.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
It's pride for all Indonesian people.
@namdaemun (283)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Of course I am, it's my country's music instruments getting the honor of becoming the world's heritage. Angklung deserves to be one of the world's heritage because it is unique and I never find any musical instruments as unique as angklung
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Yes, you are correct. Angklung is a musical instrument unique.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 10
ANGLKUNG Is belongs to indonesia.. it`s shame of another country still claimed angklung as one of their culture it`s not good too if our government never take seriously if another country caliemd our heritage too
@ifandri82 (144)
• Indonesia
12 Mar 11
This news is very exciting. Hopefully, it will be something that continues to boast. I saw angklug, in the currency IDR 1000, the latest coin. And this is very good.
• United States
18 Oct 10
Being from the US I am always happy for the economic growth for all countries. This sounds fabulous, Congrats and thanks for sharing.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Yes. We all love it if there is progress in any field.
@elkanwa (626)
• Malaysia
18 Oct 10
Good news for us i am indonesian too and feel great to hear that. I hope hear this again and again for another cultural herritage of us like batik, or reog.
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@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
Yes, this is good news. Hopefully, soon followed by other cultural heritage. So no one else is steal from Indonesia.
• Indonesia
25 Oct 10
I am proud of this good news, as citizens of western Java of course we should support the arts angklung especially now known to foreign countries is a separate for our people especially the people of western Java
• Indonesia
25 Oct 10
I am certainly very pleased to hear from you this, as a native of West Java of course delighted