My favorite Cebu delicacy!

October 20, 2010 7:25am CST
I recently went to Cebu for a vcation/extended honeymoon. For some reason when we go there, we always end up going on a super food trip. hehehehe. The food there is delicious! We always made sure to dine at CnT Lechon. We all know how delicious Lechon de Cebu is right? I always thought that it was the best delicacy there. ...until I tried Balamban Liempo! Oh my! It's the best liempo I've ever had in my life. And quite honestly, I believe it tastes better than Lechon! Have you guys tried Balamban Liempo? What's your favorite delicacy in Cebu?
6 responses
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
I love Cebu! I lived there for about a year and I've grown to love the place and it's people especially the food. Lechon cebu is the best. I thought before it was just an exxageration but when I tasted it. Wow yum! I also like "ginabot" in Cebu and my mom loves Dried Mango :) I also, like danggit.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
Oh yay! I love "ginabot" too! My trainees introduced me to the stuff while I was there and the cholesterol levels are so worth it! bassdude, "ginobot" is their version of "chicharong bulaklak." I don't know that it is with Cebuano Cuisine, but they just have better versions of everything....well except for "Sinigang," theirs are not that good! lol.
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
I haven't tried ginabot yet. what is it? Whenever my wife goes to cebu, I alwas ask her to bring home dried mangoes and chicharon. heheheh :p
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
I'll definitely try that next time I tag along with my wife (hmmm I wonder if there's an airline seat sale. :p) ...I have to agree, they kinda have the best version of everything. Even their bulalo (pochero) is super delicious. We dined at Abuhan and the pochero was super awesome!
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
Those two you've mentioned are very famous here, the CnT and the Balamban Liempo..and i would agree that they are the best of the many delicacies here. I can say many foreign people who visit our place loves to bring home dried mangoes. Chicharon from Carcar city is also good..
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
I haven't heard of it..but i know tisa is a good place for delicious siomai!!
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
I'm beginning to really like this discussion... I'm getting good dining tips. hehehe. Anyways, they say the Chicharon in Tisa is awesome as well. You can actually get it at the airport souvenir shop, I stall there sells it. But it's almost always out of stock. That's how good it is. :)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
We bought carcar chicharon too and it is quite nice. There's this other variant of chicharon too, I believe it's called tisa? They say that's good too but I haven't tried it yet. :)
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
I asked our chauffeur what unique food we could probably taste in Cebu, he didn't tell us about Balamban Liempo! Hmpf! I missed that!
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
Will do!
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
Oh you should try it next time you go there. :) It's super delicious. It's located in Larsian. Huuuuuge serving. It's actually good for 2 people. :)
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@hushi22 (4928)
20 Oct 10
oh those that you've mentioned are very known. i agree that they are so delicious. those were talk of the town in my former company.
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
When in Cebu, of course I go for the classic foods like danggit, dried mangos, otap, rosquillos. But all these can already be found and bought here in the supermarkets in Manila. However, what's not predominantly available here in Manila is the 'puso'. We eat it in the sidewalk streets or in small eating places in Cebu. 'Puso' is actually just rice but wrapped in banana leaves shaped like a heart or more like diamond-shaped. When you're in the sidewalk, just buy a stick of barbeque, take a bite of meat from the stick, then bite on to the 'puso' rice like biting a sandwich, and voila! you're now eating a rice meal that costs less than P 30. It may be just barbeque and rice, but it's the eating experience is what makes it one of a kind.
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
Most of the grilled goods being sold in Larsian (Balamban Liempo included) is served with puso. :) You're definitely right, eating puso is a unique experience. I think I ate around 8 servings of Puso. hahaha! I just love eating. :p
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
..oh for the curious ...check out the pic I have above ...I'm eating Balamban Liempo with Puso. :p
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
yes ive been to cebu forn amonth for my ielts and i heard from my room mate that u can find the best lechon in Cnt in cebu. i love the eat all u can in apurados in robinson and their lechon too. i also like their barbecue in larsian its delicious
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
im also missin alberto pizza in cebu
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
Yup i heard about Alberto's pizza... they say it's really good. Have you tried Alejandro's Crispy Pata? One of the best Crispy Patas I've ever had! Larsian is really well known for their grilled stuff. That's were we went to get our Balamban Liempo fix. :)