Why are there so many myLotters who are so secretive?

@Strovek (868)
October 20, 2010 10:01am CST
Since I joined myLot I found a trend going on in many of the discussion. Members are asking others to add them as friends before they provide references or links to other online sites to earn money. Comments like "add me i'll give you the links" Why don't the people just put the links directly in the reply? Is it because it will be deleted? If you want something just come out and say it.
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9 responses
@GardenGerty (158132)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I am not sure, after reading what you have posted in this discussion, whether you are wanting links or not. Or whether you are searching for earning sites. I dislike when a person has no activity, requests me as a friend, and then spams me. At the very least these others are letting you "opt in" as it were to their earning sites by requesting friendship and doing a message. If I am seeking earning opportunities I read what others say in general about earning, then go to their profile. Often they have links on their profile and I investigate their sites and if I like them, join under them.
@GardenGerty (158132)
• United States
22 Oct 10
That clarifies what you are doing. I do not do many of these as usually they end up being pathetic. I have found one or two that are really worth my time. It would be nice if all of these were a pot of gold like the participants think they are.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 10
I am not looking for these sites since my time is limited and there are a lot more things that I can do with my time. It was just irritating to see so many people asking me to add me and then PM in the discussion. I was wondering if that is the trend. Based on the few replies I got in the discussion it looks like it is an exception instead of the rule. I just happened to hit so many discussion with it.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Mylot does not allow you to give them the link in your discussion if it will make you money. But, they can become your friend and you can send them the link in a message. You can also have the link on your profile page and they can access it there; all you need to do is tell them in the discussion to go to your profile page and access the link there. You can provide links to sites in your discussion as long as you remove the part that will get you credit if they sign up or join.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
26 Oct 10
It is not an issue of "competition" since most of the referral links do not go to a site similar to MyLot. The issue is that MyLot is a site for people to get together and discuss things; not, a place to "troll for referrals" to other sites. Some people would not start any discussions that were not designed to try to get referrals and they would try to divert other discussions to their moneymaking sites - some of which are scams. If all you want is a way to get more referals, there are a lot of other sites you can use for that purpose. MyLot has nothing against you telling others you just got paid or found a new site to use to make money. MyLot has nothing against asking other people on mylot for advise about other moneymaking sites. They just do not want getting referrals for your other moneymaking sites to be the sole reason that you participate here at mylot. Actually, mylot is a nice way to make a little money while you relax and take a break from money making sites.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 10
I can see why they don't want you to promote the "competition" and also how all this could spiral. It is irritating for a newbie like me. I guess I was so "lucky" to hit the discussion where many are trying to bypass the rules.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
28 Oct 10
Yes, adding links is a taboo here. So they rather invite you to be a friend so they can pm you the link. No problems in requesting for friendship, I'll admit anyone without condition. Friendship with benefits is not too sincere. But for mylotting sake, friends can be of good use here in supporting each other.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
28 Oct 10
Friends supporting each other is fine but some turn into pest.
@Jadsta (269)
• Gibraltar
21 Oct 10
Yeah, it is because you're not allowed to post links in discussions, or at least referral links I think. It's not very clear really in the terms of service, as they don't give exact examples of what is and is not allowed, but it's something like that.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 10
I understand the concept but still don't like it when members try to side step those rules.
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Its simple, referral links are not allowed in posts here so the only way to do it is to send it via PM. Stating you will send it via PM is also not a positive thing and against the rules as you are still "referral fishing".
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 10
I guess I was "lucky" enough to hit so many of the "referral fishing" discussions. Thanks for the the clarification.
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@GardenGerty (158132)
• United States
21 Oct 10
If you look in the interest "Make Extra Money" that is all you will find. It is not luck so much as it is what you are interested in. If you look to the side or bottom of the discussions, you will also see similar discussions linked.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
we should follow the rules here in order to stay in tune. this is forum and discussion not a marketplace... sorry but that is the true...
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
21 Oct 10
I know the rules are there and it is irritating how people are obviously trying to break it without appearing to do so.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Well firstly, like the other person said - referral links aren't allowed here. And with right reason, if you ask me. Otherwise the boards would be flooded with referral links, and that would be annoying for those of us who are here to actually discuss stuff and not sift through spam like millions of discussions with referral links. What bugs me most is when people start a discussion about a "new earning site" but will not tell you the name of it (they'll ask you to be their friend so they can message you about it) but they do it because they want to get you as a referral. Because it's not against the rules to talk about a specific website, so long as you don't post a referral link. So, these people could easily say "I found this amazing earning site, it's called MyLot!!" but they're just afraid that the person won't use their referral link if they provide the name of the site they're talking about. This is super annoying if you ask me, I can't pinpoint why. I try not to be like this - it seems greedy.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 10
As a newbie, I am surprised how I was "lucky" enough to hit so many of those discussions - it is indeed very irritating and feels like spam. Thank you.
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
It's not allowed here. And for a very good reason. It isn't the purpose of the site. The site is for proper conversation with casual business encounters. And not just a forum site market where we can all just freely sell our goods. Hope this clears it up for you.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 10
Yes. That is clear. However, it is still annoying how some will still try to do it and as a newbie it is very irritating.
• United States
20 Oct 10
All the contrary my friend, myLot does not allow and definitely does not encourage links unless directly related to the discussion. Doing so promotes way too much scam. I personally think members are getting to slick sometimes and starting discussions getting around the No, No's and well it is not a good idea to ever do this. We all want myLot to be around indefinitely so the rules must be followed.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 10
True. Unfortunately for as a newbie I happened across many of such discussions. Thank you.