A preacher who says Obama is not black enough and much more!

United States
October 21, 2010 3:16am CST
Ran across this video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuEc-nFULY8 He starts off by saying Obama is not black enough because he had a white mother. Than moves on to say the worst thing to ever happen to South Africa was when they turned the country over to Nelson Mandela and that blacks don't know how to run a country a city or anything else. Wraps it all up with telling black women they are stupid for voting for Obama and for letting black men treat them like they do. BTW where ever I said black substitute it for N-word and you will have a closer version to what he actually said. What are your feelings about this guy? Should he be preaching or do you actually think there is any valid points in what he is saying?
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3 responses
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
22 Oct 10
If we all harbored unforgiveness and dislike because of things done in history, all humans would be full of hate and all would be divided due to nation or race, etc. When will people get over the division of race (etc) and focus on the unity and likeness of the whole human family. Why is everything about race nowadays?
• United States
22 Oct 10
..it's not race / "black" - being black certainly is not a problem, but religion and religion of the past.. our beliefs/religion/philosophy shapes the future.. if there's a 'problem' it's not unique to black persons, but it's aLL of human nature. We're all sinners/imperfect/needing rescue, redemption, to be spiritually "born again". But I've long believed the national religion/beliefs shaped nations.. So in this instance I would say that voodoo was not a blessing.. [but neither will be, or is the faith of so called evolution - mark my words on that global trend].
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
21 Oct 10
Unfortunately, what he says is true. Obama is only part black, he is,using the old term, a Mulatto. When Obama was campaigning for president, I knew his policies were disastrous so I thought what if another black man had become president, would it be any better? But the two were not of the Democrat or Republican party, so that was out. And the one woman, I would have had Mrs. or Miss Rice, did not enter the race. But what disillusioned me was that black people, men and women voted for Obama not because they wanted a far left society, but because he was black . I started to wonder if it was also that they hoped that Obama would take all the wealth of the white people give it to the blacks, or fired all the corporate executives and give their jobs to blacks, made sure that only blacks would go to college, etc. and they would be the ones giving the orders, etc. like what is on many Tv dramas. And that was just as bad as voting for Obama because of his ethnicity. Now it was voting for him out of envy. And that was worse. I did read on the discussions here a year or so ago about someone who actually lived in South Africa and knows the situation and also that there are many leaving South Africa because it is not as good there. What it boils down is that as a white person, it was hammered into me that Germans are bossy and want to take over the world, English are snobs and look down their noses down on people, the Welsh have a tendency to drink, and i have no idea about the Austrians, but someone will point out their bad points. The result was that I now watch to see that those bad faults in my ethnic background do not come out and I keep them, with God's help, under control. But no one has had the gumption to tell the Black people their natural faults and only this preacher who is of course black, has the nerve to do so. If a white preacher had said the same thing, everyone would have called him a bigot and a racist and other horrible names.
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
21 Oct 10
In a lot of ways I can relate to what hes saying. In my country I am the minority and it is only now that we are realising the importance of higher education when the majority has already gone that path a long while ago. If i have the chance to scream at my race, i would certainly do it too.