Do you think befor you act?

October 22, 2010 11:20am CST
There is a saying that you should before act. Befor doing any thing we should ask to our mind if this should be done. Then we can hear a voice from inside and do according to this. Many times i also do with out thinking about it. Do you use to think before you act?
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7 responses
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
22 Oct 10
Typically, I make decisions pretty quickly. There are times when people thought I was very thoughtless by the way I act. I've been told by just about everybody that decisions come to me quicker than people they know. It's not that I don't think about how I should act, when I'm put in a situation, how I'm gonna act just comes to my mind without much thought or effort.
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• India
23 Oct 10
In some cases we need to act very quickly or need to take decision fast.In other cases i think it is necessary to think. Our inner mind knows if it is good or not. Just ask to it. It will give answer. When we are asking 1st time it may give a wrong answer. Consider every thing and ask it again. It will provide you right one.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
23 Oct 10
In the past i have just acted,but as i have got older i tend to think before i do alot of things.I also never act on impulse when i am buying things off people aswell as from stores.I feel that there are alot of people that should think before they say things aswell as do things.
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22 Oct 10
I try to, I can't always say this is the case. It's one of those things sometimes that you either react on the spot without thinking or you do. Both can be bad at times or at least I've found that. If there's danger than generally I do plan and think what the best way of going about it will be, sometimes however it's nicer to go with the flow. Depends on what it is.
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@ifa225 (14390)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 10
well, most of my act. but there is some other which just done without thinking. i would call it spontaneous and ins-ting reaction
• India
22 Oct 10
often mind makes a revision before doing anything but sometimes we may be unaware , but things which are often used to are done fast doesnt take time to ask to mind, then other which we dont know , we take time its a usual thing
• India
23 Oct 10
If we are doing some thing which we are doing regularly, no need of thinking . But when you are doing a new thing think about it. Think if it is good
3 Feb 11
No,sometimes not. becuase maybe something just make me too angry or jealous. i just can't keep it. Is there anyway to keep the temper?
@cyrri_ako (461)
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
ideally, we should be thinking before we act..however..sometimes...we act through our instincts and we'll only realize what we have done later on/............