can you imagine...?

@hushi22 (4928)
October 23, 2010 6:03pm CST
can you imagine yourself living not in your comfort zone? as in back to the old times when there were lesser high technologies used? back to the times when there was a simpler life for everyone?
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6 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Oct 10
When we read history, and think back to those days, it might seem as if they were indeed simpler times. But were they really? People were not well educated and a Steam Engine in 1880 was as remarkable as a jet Engine in 1980. Also its prudent to note that because people were uneducated and therefore simple minded, they were misled by religion to a much greater extent. The Church deceived them into believing that unless they gave large amounts of money or property to the church to pay for their sins, they would burn forever in Hell. No indeed, Life was not simpler back in the old times!
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@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
24 Oct 10
Put it that way, yes I have to agree with you. The simple minded is okay, but getting brain washed is terrible!
@hushi22 (4928)
26 Oct 10
i agree to you margajoe.
• United States
24 Oct 10
What a good question! I don't think I would feel comfortable without a cell phone at least. I always tell my father before he drives home, "Make sure your phone is charged just in case something happens!" Then I always think to myself, "Wow...5+ years ago he didn't even have a cell phone I could reach him on..." It's so strange when you think about it, but scary too! I need to feel like I can reach everyone I love whenever I need to. The computer is another thing in my comfort zone, because it is what I use to make my income - Without it, I'd be broke!
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@hushi22 (4928)
26 Oct 10
yeah, i thought of that, too. it's just so difficult to imagine leaving the comfort zone.
23 Oct 10
I would like to see how we all manage with less technology yeah, because it would be quite an interesting situation to be in and see how everyone copes including myself, as we are all now so use to lots of technology and things done for us we would of had to do by hand years and years ago.
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@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
24 Oct 10
I can imagine it. The men where more manly in those days. It would have been easier to find a good man, that would want to make a women happy. (Sure there were mean men too.) Men now a days don't have respect, because they want us women to be working and cleaning house and looking after the kids. But, they don't want to help us do it. In those days, sure you had kids and cleaned and cooked. But the man supported his women. He went to work. Where as now a days the women seem to be multi functional. Because the women does not have time left over, the man meets with other women. Sure, there are still men that are responsible in these days. But, they are not free. hahaha! Times have changed. But, outside of men, I do believe we are better off now. It would be hard living without the luxurioury we have now. Running water, machines, heating, toilets, toilet paper ect.
@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
23 Oct 10
I can imagine and it was good to live back than when there were not that many computers. But every period of time has it's ups and downs. Have a great day(=
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@hushi22 (4928)
26 Oct 10
you are right. there are always ups and downs. i wonder how it would be if we the people living in this comfort zone just suddenly wake up in the past times.
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
There was a strong storm in my city a few days ago and we did not have electricity for almost two days. It was quite difficult without light, TV and computer but I get to play simple games with my daughter. I guess, nowadays, because of the comforts of technology, we tend to forget the simpler but more important aspects of life.
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