Chain Letters

@sjhaeki (795)
October 28, 2010 7:20am CST
in text messages, emails, and what else can you have them... you'd always be bothered by chain mails/ letters. some tells you to pass the message to this amount of people to know how popular are you or something like that, others tells you to pass or else you'll have bad luck. and the worse, maybe, are those that use religion to circulate the message. personally i really don't like chain mails, before since there is a think as unlimited texts (but for a certain amount of period) i just pass it around but it becomes tiresome even if i still use the unli texts. i just erase them without even reading them. quotes are okay, but chain letters are like spam on email and phones. you'd get curious as to who is texting to you and it turns out just another chain messages... what's your thing about this?
2 responses
• United States
28 Oct 10
I simply ignore them as you just do not know who is sending and for what purpose. I remember years ago when they were done for fun but these days we can't help but think what the motive is.
@sjhaeki (795)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
i agree before it was just for fun. now i don't like receiving them anymore. thank you for sharing your opinion. ^_^
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
28 Oct 10
Hi there Sjhaeki! I always get them and I always do the same thing-ignore them. I hate them especially when they threaten you that something horrible will happen if you will not pass these chain letters around. I even had a friend before who sent me one through PM.
@sjhaeki (795)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
yea~ i always find them bothersome. and there are really some that threaten you that bad things will happen. i also ignore them too.