thought of being invisible?

November 1, 2010 10:52am CST
have u ever thought of being invisible what fun u could do what mischifs u can create the thought gives me the chill what do u think about it ?
6 responses
• United States
1 Nov 10
This is a good discussion. I would love to be invisbile. It would be so much fun to scare people somehow.
• India
1 Nov 10
ya the idea is intreaging what u can do wil that kind of power and other things u do
@funkykid (441)
• India
1 Nov 10
Yes it would be fun ,I would also scare people . Even though I would love to follow hubby around at work for a day,being invisible could be hard on your relationships. With all the what if's ! What if your friends where talking about you or your boyfriend was talking to another women. I think you should think this one through,with all the possible consequences . I doubt its fun after a while. Feelings and people always seems to get in the way. Happy mylotting :D
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Nov 10
I remember as a kid wishing I could turn invisible. You're right, the fun you could have pulling tricks on friends and neighbors! As a career soldier I remember laying in the brush, all comouflaged out. People just a few feet from me couldn't see me no matter how hard they looked. It was the closest thing to invisibility I've ever achieved. But other than soldiers evading the eyes of the enemy during combat operations, would the ability to be invisible ever be a good thing? I have nothing against fun pranks, but how many constructive ideas were ever thought of using invisibility? How many of the "pranks" dreamed up in our minds were just for fun, and how many went far beyond the simple prank? Invisibility in and of itself is like anything else... neither good nor bad. However, power does corrupt, and the power to be invisible would be pretty close to the absolute power that corrupts absolutely.
@yanyanyow (326)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
if i can be invisible, i want to make prank jokes to whoever did bad things to me! haha! i just want to give them a bit lesson:)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
I've thought about it a lot of times and the advantages of being invisible, such as you go anywhere you want without anyone ever knowing--free flights anywhere in the world!, free food!-- of course you can get it free, you can just chow down without anyone notices you, stealing stuffs lol, looking at someone you like naked and all all those stuff. It's probably fun, but if I stay invisible for the rest of my life, then my looks wont be of any use at all lol.
@beeh13u (1038)
• Philippines
1 Nov 10
If I can, I'll get out of the house and start scaring people. I aim on getting on the news. It's fun to be a prankster. I'll tickle people around. But I won't let someone die of a heart attack. They'll be the one who'll haunt me next. Happy Mylotting!