Will programmers disapear??

El Salvador
November 5, 2010 9:20pm CST
Well today i was in the middle of my mastery degree, and somehow we came across a discution about how old school programmers will go bye bye. Why you ask? well think about every IDE out there like Netbeans for example it has everything you need to start any proyect with any kind of tecnology, there are manuals, there are examples on the web so most of the people are just getting used to this and programmers as we know will go extinct or will earn more money heeheh wath do you think?
1 response
@Vegtamr (82)
• Italy
7 Nov 10
Well, sure they won't disappear, at least not before a long time has passed... Should the IDE keeps getting better and more "idiot-friendly", in the future it is possible that we'll have in this field, too, a clear difference between Factory and Artisan. You can have a low level code, easy and working, and you can have a well written code, stable and durable. It quantity against quality, after all.
• China
3 Apr 11
I totally agree with your idea. What ever IDEs(tools) develops, they can not exceed our brains. IDEs can automatically write mechanical codes, which are correct. But only human can write perfect codes with our brains. That is the essential difference. If you want to learn Java, you can go to my prifile and visit my Java blog. Maybe you can find something useful from it. I hope you can learn Java more easily.