do you try to know how much electricity each of your appliance consume.

@hotsummer (13835)
November 8, 2010 8:56pm CST
I would like to know how much i would save in my electricity bill if like i use the appliances less like the air conditioner, the television, the lights, the computer also.i don't know which appliance consume more electricity than anything else.i'm sure it will help me to save a lot of money if i would know them.i think i better check online. i wonder if i could find an information about that. It will be interesting to have knowledge about that. I'm not using much the computer now because I'm trying to rest my eyes from the strain in being in. front of the computer for many hours a day. So I'm wondering how much i would save now I'm using the computer less. If i get big savings in. my bills i still l be encourage to do this often so i could save a lot of money. A money saved is a earned.
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6 responses
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
10 Nov 10
well, the only thing that i do to save electricity is to switch all my electrical appliances from their main switch whenever i don't use them... it really helps and i managed to save quite a bit by doing this... also, i don't use air-conditioner and heater too much unless if i really need them as they consume much electricity... take care and have a nice day...
@argytrans (225)
• United States
9 Nov 10
Yes I do know it. I sometimes calculate how much electricity that I usually consume at home. Every appliance usually have it own electricity load ( by watt), so I can calculate how much usage of electricity I usually use.
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
9 Nov 10
I agree the computer doesn't use a lot of electricity. One thing that really lowered my bill was selling my clothes dryer. We now hang all our clothes up to dry. Also keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed, as any people open the doors to see what is for dinner standing there deciding with the door open. We replaced our refrigerator with a lower electric using model. It always helps to turn off the television when nobody is watching it.
@youless (112223)
• Guangzhou, China
9 Nov 10
I don't pay attention to it. Even if it uses up lots of electricity, but I have to use it since I already bought it. It must be useful for me so that I bought this appliance. It will be a waste if I don't use it because of the electricity charge. I love China
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
9 Nov 10
I don't believe that computers use that much electricity so don't cut yourself off from something that you need and/or enjoy in order to save a few pennies. Using your air conditioner less will definitely save you some money but there are also little things that you can do which will add up in the long run. If you have a cell phone, unplug the charger when you are finished charging it, unplug your television if it is an "instant on" type since it is drawing current even while it is turned off, set your hot water heater to a lower temperature, make sure your home is insulated so that you don't lose cool air in the summer and warm air in the winter. You can also buy those light bulbs that last for years which use less electricity.
• Philippines
9 Nov 10
Yes definitely. Money saved is money earned. To know how much an appliance is consuming electricity, look at how much watts it has then compare the other appliances. Airconditioning definitely costs much. We only turn ours on every night. We don't use it during daytime.