A Rooster Life in 2011

@creyos (275)
November 18, 2010 10:10am CST
I just read a book of Chinese Horoscope and found out my horoscope, which is Rooster, would be unlucky throughout the year 2011 (starting February 2011). And I impulsively felt worried now as this year I still have an unsettled difficult problem. Then if it's true, I wonder what kind of bad days I would face the whole next year followingly. I, of course, believe in God, but somehow it still gave me the thrill and nerv to face the year which I should start with a new spirit. Do you believe with Chinese Horoscope? How accurate do you think of Chinese Horoscope?
7 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Nov 10
I don't believe any horoscopes. They have some things that accurate because they are so general, and some things that are inaccurate. A lot of it depends on how the individual responds to his/her horoscope. Aren't horoscopes suppose to be like prophecies? I heard once that the only true prophet is one who is always right. Does it seem sensible to you that everyone born in the year of the Rooster would have the same fate it 2011?
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
19 Nov 10
This makes sense, each person won't have the same fate.
31 Dec 10
I don't think you should be thinking too much about this. I am a rooster too and I have read so much unpleasant predictions in 2011 and felt the same way you do. You know what, I called my dad who checked for me from the medium and there are other elements that you need to put into considerations like time of birth and elements (i.e wood, fire, earth, metal, water) you were born under. To drill further, check on your element then finally your time of birth. Not all roosters will fall on the same trap. Ultimately, believe in God is uptmost important.
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I'm also actually a Rooster and that horoscope doesn't bother me. Why? Because if I think that I would be unlucky throughout next year, then it would really happen. I admit that I read horoscopes but I never get serious with those. I just read them for fun. I also believe in God and I trust him for whatever will happen in my future.
• United States
19 Nov 10
Horoscope is just a presumption on things to happen but actually it's up to you how you want your life to be.! and it's only a matter of being positive. just like: right thinking leads to right living!, okey?
@sjlskl (3382)
• Singapore
19 Nov 10
What you have read could be the general prediction for people who is born in the year of a Rooster. In Chinese horoscope, beside the year, one will need the month, date, and hour in order to make a detail prediction. Each factor is an element which is also important in the calculation.
• Philippines
19 Nov 10
I don't think it would be good to base your future, especially the decisions you make in life based on horoscopes. Horoscopes are just guides. You have the free will to carve your own destiny. I think Chinese horoscopes give you advices but you should not take it as the end all of every thing that you do. If you do this, you will end up achieving nothing.
• United States
18 Nov 10
I have read them for hobby purposes as well. I also am a firm believer in God. I do find when I have read the Chinese Horoscope it gives me some courage to tackle anything that comes ahead. In other words when the bad things do occur I feel I am prepared and when the good things come I am amazed on accurate it was. I believe it is somewhat accurate and somethings somewhat off, as although it may mention something spectacular, I may not get it that way but then something nice instead.