nokia C3 is like nokia E63?

November 19, 2010 8:27pm CST
nokia a newest model of the cell phone this is a C3 and i saw at the mall and this is like E63. do you think nokia C3 and E63 will the same? the only difference is the price and the some features of this?
2 responses
• India
2 May 11
well the body design and all is different the real difference is that the c3 is based on the s40 platform which does not make it a smarthphone while the e63 is based on the s60 platform and it is a smartphone. The e63 camera has a flash and the e63 has 3G while the c3 doesnt .
• United States
20 Nov 10
Why would they make two phones that are pretty much the same. If I were the CEO, I would really reorganize the company around. Why are the researchers using pretty much the same software and cell phone for future products. It will not help the companies profits, as such companies with no redesign and upgrades of products will face growing unpopularity. Germany's BMW brand faced huge criticism when the body of their cars weren't redesigned fully for 10 to 12 years.