STARs decrease? Is it POSSIBLE?

November 21, 2010 10:20pm CST
Last week I have 7 rating star on my profile. But today when I opened myLot, I have only 6. What does it mean? I haven't been online on the weekends, was that the reason? Can someone help and explain it? Need ya help lotters. God bless you!
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8 responses
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
22 Nov 10
Let me tell you something frankly, if you want to see something very very annoying here on myLot, look at this star. The same thing is happening with me also, every time, if the points reach to 82, next day if I login, it will show a white star with 70 points. It has happened with me for more than 3 times now. I don't agree what they have mentioned in FAQs. It could be possible to some extent but as per my experience this star thing is all related to your frequency of logging in to myLot. However, you need to make sure that you do not make others angry, otherwise, it will certainly be reflected in star color. My suggestions would be, you should not worry about myLot star, enjoy the discussions and other information related to your interests.
• India
22 Nov 10
I have never said anything wrong or rude to anyone here on mylot, do you think disagreeing from someone's point of view can also cause me negative points? Also, this time I am again in the same range of 80s, let's see when it happens again.
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
I did not login for three years and when I came back, I still have the yellow star. It's true what they say, the star color is based on the positive and negative ratings other member/s may be giving you.
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• India
22 Nov 10
Oops...then who could be that user, giving me negative rating when I am around 80 points? Whatever be the case, I will enjoy myLot and thanks to you people for sharing this information with me. At least when it happens next time, I will not blame myLot.
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
26 Nov 10
It is possible. If you are inactive for quite a while you might. Especially if you are given negative remarks. And your reputation will also decreases.
• Philippines
30 Nov 10
yeah, thanks mate! God bless you! :D
• Pakistan
23 Nov 10
Once I had reached up till 9 rating as I remember. But now, you can see. I am 7. This may cause my below standard response or having less friends in my list. Friends use to appreciate the friends and they grant positive rates. But I think, I have no such friends. But I am not worried, It is lesson for me to improve my English or way of responding. It does no matter on your earning. You should carry on and try to become as much popular as you get plus point to increase your rate. good luck
• Philippines
23 Nov 10
it's fine mate, let's just enjoy our stay and postings here. Discussions would be worthwhile if we enjoy it, and don't bother much about our star. No probs. It will climb up soon. hehehe :D
@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
Hello, Chuyin. :) Oh, that is sad to hear since that could only mean that you have been given negative (-) rates by some of the lotters here. That is the only way to decrease one's star. And make it higher or increase your rating, you have to be rated (+).... Don't worry it will pick up again. Just keep on posting eventhough you see a decrease in your star. Some are very lenient and they will truly appreciate your efforts in responding to their discussion... Have a great night,dear.:) Keep smiling..
• Philippines
23 Nov 10
thank you eurekafemme, yeah, I don't bother much about the star. i will just enjoy talking and replying to discussions here. It's a lot easier than to worry about my star. hehehe :D thank you for the encouragement though. God bless you!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Nov 10
First off, it looks like you are back to where you started, so that is a good thing. However, to answer your question, yes, it is possible for your stars to go down because your star level is determined by the way that other mylotters rate the discussions that you've started and the responses that you give. So, the only way that your level can go down is that mylotters rank you negatively. I hope that you are able to continue to strive in the upward trend.
• Philippines
25 Nov 10
yeah, I am striving to go upward. I hope our fellow myLotters wouldn't have fun rating me negatively. hehehe :D thanks for the response doran! God bless you! Happy myLotting! :D
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
Your star rating change cuz of other user's reaction to your responses. Others can rate you depending on your responses so you have to respect pretty much anyone's discussions here. Also, there are users who just rate negatively here. Just be careful with those.
• Philippines
23 Nov 10
Yeah, I should be careful with those kind. thank you very much for the tip. God bless you!
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
22 Nov 10
yes it is possible, once my star as been reduced from 6 to 5 and again returned to 6 and stopped there....... variance in stars depends on the reputation added or taken by mylot members (you can see = and - signs) there are rumors that mylot admin rate the members, its little awkward, he can't rate each and every mylot members, its a huge task to do.
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
I think it's really about the ratings that the members of mylot gave us... My rating now goes up to 7 again. God bless you! Thank you for the response!
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
Somebody might have given you a negative rating then. That's the only possibility I can think of since nothing can reduce your reputation rate here except for the negative ratings given to you by other members.
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
yeah, maybe, thank you for the informative response. God bless you!
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