How much do you make daily?

@jalucia (1431)
United States
November 22, 2010 3:47am CST
I've done the math and, according to my best guestimate, it would be hard for me to make more then ten dollars a day on the Internet. This is with getting on the Internet everyday, throughout the day, carrying out mostly money making tasks (surveys, tasks, PTC, searches, etc.) Not a lot of money, but helps. If you do the math how much do you think that you make, daily, from all of your Internet money making tasks?
1 response
• India
22 Nov 10
every day 10 dollars means that is good amount for most of country's according to there country it will depend if you live in usa you can get related to that you can make more just learning the sites you use and learn as much you can get blogger and start blogging. learn how to create blog and much more. it will defend on you
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
26 Nov 10
Thanks gane for the advice. I am in the USA. I don't know if blogging is the right fit for me, though. It seems a bit complicated to actually make money off of a blog.