But I don't like to Cook ...

@creyos (275)
November 23, 2010 11:29pm CST
I don't really like to Cook, but I'm a woman which usually it's like a traditional law or natural skill for woman to do cooking. Do you think women must able to cook? For the man's view, is that a minus point if knowing that the spouse or wife can't cook?
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8 responses
• India
24 Nov 10
Hey Creyos, this fashion is traditional in India. Here women are fond of cooking foods for their family. But it is not a thumb rule that every woman should know cooking. Don't worry if you are not a good cook, as it is not mandatory to be a good wife. Do you not be happy, when your husband tells you "Darling today's food is very nice"? So it is just a way to make your family happy.
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
25 Nov 10
Hi Prasantbhu, I also read an article, they do a little survey and showed that the woman or wife who do cooking for her husband and family, it will make a happy family as the husband will be more comfy too being at home.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
My husband married me even though I couldn't cook and still can't cook until now. I can prepare simple food and some desserts and quite a few pastas too but I don't know how to cook our traditional food. I don't even know how to cook rice! It is a plus point for women who can cook well but i believe that it shouldn't be made a qualification in becoming a good wife.
@creyos (275)
• Indonesia
25 Nov 10
Hi, hopefully I can find a husband like yours. Otherwise I should push myself to cook. :-S
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Nov 10
I think it is fair for a man and woman to cook at home. Nobody says woman has to cook all the time because a family combines by a wife and husband. So they shall share the housework together. Today everything changes. I think if a woman goes home earlier after work, then she can cook. On the contrary, if a man goes to home earlier after work, then he shall prepare for the dinner. If I were a man and I hoped my wife could cook because it is one of the dependent abilities. I couldn't expect I would hire someone to do the housework all the time. And I might not able to cook all the time, too. I love China
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
25 Nov 10
Well, I might get a few rotten tomatoes thrown at me for saying this but I do tend to think along the traditional lines, even though I'm a middle-aged Canadian woman. Okay, so here goes...it really is our "job" so to speak to run the household and cook the meals, it gives the home a feminine touch and thus making the man feel almost as if when they get home, they're walking into their wife's turf. The woman is the nurturer, feeder, lover, and raisers of the leaders of the next generation. I've always loved to cook, however I admit I was getting discouraged by what I thought was very poor cooking skills. I mean everyone except for my husband and kids liked my cooking for the longest time, and finally I stopped and let him take over. Well, we did end up finding out the problem, and that was that we were cooking with a very faulty 40 year old stove/oven, which our landlord replaced after it gave out completely. Once we got our new stove, my family seemed to like my cooking for what seemed to me like the first time in my life. I was finally able to cook and bake what I've dreamed of doing for years. The reason why I tell you this story is sometimes us women, as powerful as we can be at time, need an extra boost, to be let known that her cooking is good. For me, it's like, "wow, I made this, and I see people enjoying what I made!" just like a craftsperson, or businessperson feels like when they accomplish something. Another reason during the time we had the old stove - that I didn't like to cook is the mess I had to clean after cooking. It all just seemed like one big giant task. Anyway, I hope I was able to put some insight into the cooking department.
@thanks1961 (7035)
• India
24 Nov 10
Hi dear, If you consider cooling is an art, I think you can enjoy the cooking very much. As usual, knowing cooking is an added advantage and there is nothing special on it. Just how we do other things in life, take it on its own spirit and learn it. In the modern environment, many are seriously learning it and it is just like an event to learn cooking. All things are simplified and if we know cooking, we can prepare our own food as per our interest, taste and will. Also, there are thousands of recipes on the net as per our requirement. Only thing, it feel more time consuming. But once we are in line with the same, we can enjoy it. As being a man, I like do cooling and I never refer any books or other guidance. I will collect the items and prepare with my own thoughts and it never failed. The what I prefer is that all the ingredients should be around and no other person also to be around. I need alone to do all as per my wish. So, if you still feel bad on cooking, nothing like that. It is an art and if you think in such way, you will find it is good and if ladies are unaware of how to do cooking, is of course, it is a drawback in all respects. If you know cooking, at least you don’t need to depend anybody on emergencies and you can prepare as and when you needed. Regards, Thank-s
• United States
24 Nov 10
I am an excellent cook if I do say so myself. I use to for many years cook the 3 meals a day, seven days a week traditional Hispanic meals. Having no reasons anymore for cooking so elaborately I find that I am cooking less by the day. I am however blessed with a wonderful boyfriend who cooks, shhh.. not always great but I lick my fingers as he is so giving and always attempts to make me happy. I do not think it is like it use to be where the stigmas always relied on the woman running the household. I believe it is important to teach the boys to cook and run a home, how else will they survive on their own.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
24 Nov 10
I don`t know about your country but in my country,India, before they get married girls are usually taught to cook by their mother as it is an asset.sometimes it so happens that and especially nowadays, girls after finishing their education immediately start a career and then don`t get time to enter the kitchen.However generally after marriage they do learn to cook.Since a woman whoever and whatever she is doing eventually ends up being a homemaker and after becoming a mother she has to do the cooking unless she can afford to have a cook in her house.Therefore it is always better for her to learn cooking before marriage as it becomes a plus point for her and doesn`t every woman like her cooking to be appreciated by people in her husbands house and guests whenever they are invited for lunch or dinner?
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
24 Nov 10
No you are not obliged to cook just because you are a woman, although it's a real plus when it comes to marriage especially with my own personal experience. Cooking or culinary arts is a fine art, it can be learned or it can be a natural talent but it can never be forced. Do you want to be forced to draw,paint, or sculpt if that is not the thing you want to do in life only because it is tradition but I do like a woman who knows how to cook though.