Long Distance Relationships?

@Cherish14 (2693)
December 2, 2010 11:31am CST
hi everyone, i just would like to share with you my relationship with my boyfriend. we have been together for 6 years and a half now being so so far from each other. i am here in Asia and he is there in US. we communicate through here on the internet (skype, YM, FB, Gmail,) and we call each other from time to time when one of us is out and cant be on the computer, and we text each other always, like when we wake up, before we sleep etc etc... They say that long distance relationships never lasts. but i think it depends on how you work it. i admit we fight and argue too sometimes but there should always be patience and understanding, love and most of all TRUST. it is very important to have trust in your partner no matter how near or far you are. communication is one too. he was born and raised there in US, and now he works there and so we cant be together all the time, he comes home to me ones a year (i know thats sad) but i still hope someday i can be there to be with him too. i just graduated from college and is now taking care of my papers so i can go there to be with him already. for those who are far from their love ones or having long distance relationships, dont lose hope. dont ever give up (well unless if it is already too complicated). long distance relationships can work and survive all the challenges. just believe and never give up, trust and love your partner. DO NOT EVER CHEAT. and communication is very important.. tell me about your relationship with your lover? :)
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4 responses
• United States
2 Dec 10
Sounds like you both have a good relationship. That is always good. I pray you both get to be together soon. Being so far away from each other can be hard. But loving someone that is so far away is not imposable. Good luck to you both in your relationship. I met my husband over the internet and we have been married for 4 years now. We love and trust each other very much.
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@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
2 Dec 10
awww thank you so much :) i am happy for you too :) it really isn't impossible to love someone so far away from you. yeah he is coming home for New Years, and he arrives very late at night and there will be no more flights after that from this big city where he will be landing to our city since its a connecting flight, so instead of him spending new years alone sitting at the bench at the airport hehe ill be going there to spend it with him :) i just bought my plane ticket and surprised him with it. he was so happy when i showed it to him on the web cam :) more power and God Bless Us :) and thank you to you again :)
• United States
3 Dec 10
That is going to be so wonderful for you both sending that time together. That was sweet of you to get a ticket to meet him at the airport to be with him for the New Year. You are very welcome. I bet you both will have a wonderful life together. I am happy for you. And thank you. I bet he as excited when you showed him that ticket. You sound like a great person. Happy Holidays.
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@mysiraylon (1102)
• United States
4 Apr 12
if the feeling is mutual there can be no walls to divide you, no matter what? good luck to you and your boyfriend, treasure it to last one day after forever.
• United States
5 Apr 12
you are more than welcome :) just be positive on that and your dream will soon be a reality.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
4 Apr 12
thank you. i know, and that if there is so much love, then the distance doesn't exist anymore. thank you.
@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
4 Apr 12
its very hard to have a long distance relationship..specially if you havent seen your partner in person yet...you will awkward at first meet because its not the internet anymore but in the flesh and you cant say what you are saying when both of you are online...i know because i have been there before also..
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
4 Apr 12
i know, it is pretty tough we have been together for almost 8 years now. he just went back to the states last March 2nd, and now i feel so alone again. so how did your long distance relationship go? we are just trying to work it out and we have so many plans in the future but we are taking one step at a time. i still need my experience as a nurse before i go there because it is also very hard getting a job there.
@MandaLee (3758)
• United States
9 Apr 12
Honesty and trust are key in a successful relationship.
@Cherish14 (2693)
• Philippines
10 Apr 12
yeah, it is hard when you you don't even trust each other. it wont last anyway.