Palmbux is back !? I got my first payment from new admin

@louievill (28851)
December 4, 2010 12:58am CST
Well after examining all the previous posts written here on Mylot about Palmbux I've noticed that majority were inquiring about the legitimacy of the site, about those who lost money and the capacity of the new admin to continue and sustain the site, well I'll leave that to you from here. I posted just to let you guys know that I was paid my first $2.00 payment today after all our accounts were reset, could this mean that Palm's new admin is very sincere in restoring the site to it's old glory?(I've noticed that it's rating is going up on that popular ptc forum that we all know and respect coming from rock bottom) Or could this just be another bait? Kindly share your experience especially with the present Administration .
6 responses
• Philippines
4 Dec 10
well that is good for you. I am also a member of palmbux before but i stop it because it so hard for me refer friends.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
4 Dec 10
I think that was the old admin, I also noticed that before , my referrals were having a hard time signing in, maybe because the site was going down that time I do not know.
@lovedude (4447)
• India
21 Dec 10
yeah.. it's back.. I am so happy.. I got paid twice before it was down.. now almost on stage of getting paid.. feeling relaxed after hearing that you got paid.. :-)
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Dec 10
No one knows if they will become legit like Neobux and Onbux. It's too early to conclude about their status. I am paid before during the previous admin although I am standard but I consider Palmbux as legit until suddenly it stopped paying and turned to scam for how many months. Now they are back with different admin, I don't know if it has a new admin or still the same admin and pretending only as new so that no one will complain. It's a strategy to most admin to broadcast that the site is bought by new admin but in reality still the same admin.
@marguicha (217144)
• Chile
11 Dec 10
I have been paid there lately too. The new administration is handling things very well and I think we must support and promote the site. I have it in my profile and in some traffic sites where I surf Congratulations!
@akp100 (13640)
• India
15 Dec 10
Yes i got many positive feed back for new administrator their.. And I am working on this site again. Hope i will be paid form them too. Palmbux was good site in the past. But now they are in hand of new administration .. Hope they will do well in future too.
@syoti20 (5293)
• Philippines
5 Dec 10
That's good to know that new admin pays his/her members.