Cats and Dogs being Kidnap for HORRIBLE REASONS!

Cats in cages - which has now been rescued
December 15, 2010 5:49am CST
Hello LOtters, Well, I really hate bad news but this one just caught my attention since I am Cat and Dog owner. Few months ago Cops were able to bust a cargo truck filled with dogs. some are sick and some are pampered ones, others are wild. they are all tied up, for one thing either to have been killed by engine smoke, or basically added for food they have been taken to the shelter. Then Just heard the news that Authorities responded to a Truck complained by a concerned Citizen that the cargo is loaded with tons of CATS. Both Feral and Pet Owned(because I saw one that has a Collar).They are planned to be sold for either FOOD, Medical Practice (possibly dissection), and future pets for only 30 Pesos...Anything for the Money, eh? new animals are being trade for the Worst Reasons. I warn all Pet Owners here in the Phils. keep them on you're sight. Thank God my Ponchi doesn't leave the house.
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14 responses
• United States
15 Dec 10
It is an awful shame that thieves resort to stealing just about anything. Poor dogs and cats they are defenseless and are not able to speak up when treated badly. Thank God you take care of your pets hon, God Bless...
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Hello hardworkinggurl, When i had picked up Ponchi from a subdivision, the guard mentioned that they were playing with him rudely because his tailed was tied up. but he's a lot better now, i just hope he's not sick or anything. i guess growing old for them changes them a bit. he usually sleeps a lot and probably walks around here and there.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
Oh no! What is happening? Even cats and dogs are not safe to live anymore. I hate that news. There is particular tricycle guy in our area who is routing and shouting "aso" means they are buying a dog. I once look at the plate but it was "for registration". I seldom encounter that dog buyer cause I am working and they don't have particular day to buy a dog which they did for a purpose to be not track. I don't know how to stop it, I don't know where to call.
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
Hello laniekins, Yes, actually that's been like that for a long time. I think you should consider reporting these people to the authorities, probably video record their faces and probably follow them or informed the cops to conduct surveillance on them. this isn't good since there's also some in you're area.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
I hope I can do that, I want animal welfare to check on this one. Hope authorities should make a step to prevent this.
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
I hope I can do that, I want animal welfare to check on this one. Hope authorities should make a step to prevent this.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Yeah although I am not a pet lover since I have no place in my house that can accommodate them, I strongly am disturb by these robbers that seel this animals for medical reasons or something else. I think this are just barbaric way to make money.
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Yeah I know you are a pet lover yourself that is why when you hear this kinds of news it is really depressing. I am a dog lover myself and I feel disgust over those that do eat one. I just feel sad when I also see this kind of behavior.
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Hello Rsa101, I feel sad about these, but like i said before Filipinos are smart but most of the time doing it in the bad ways, only to survive..I think they should stick back to getting frogs instead.Cats and dogs are different from the frogs, since cats has emotions too and feelings.
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@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
15 Dec 10
Shoot the damn idiots.
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Well, it's not that much though.but they should really not consider cats as selling trade
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
17 Dec 10
Not cats or dogs. It's not freaking food.
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
yes ive seen it on news that cats and dogs were collected and sold for 30pesos to medical/nursing students to be dissected in their anatomy subject. but i think there is a law protecting the rights of domestic animals.
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
Hello sweetmary[, I think there is a strict law against animal abuse. and cats or dogs are one of them protected onesthey even bother stealing the pampered pet ones, which is crazy I never imagined using a Cat as Anatomy subject since they were not born physical specimen in my opinion
• Philippines
21 Dec 10
maybe they can go for the stray ones but for the pampered pets to the extent of stealing them, thats way too much!
@karishna (86)
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
Yes I already heard about that news. I really despise people who do brutal things to animals! That is why we put our dogs in cages and our cats inside our house because we are scared that there will be people who will catch. I am really scared for all those with cats as their pets because some people stole cats and turn them to ground meat! grrrr!
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
Hello Karishna, I despise it toothey can fight against other with claws but they don't stand a chance with big guys that has tools making them defenseless.they are lovable and as pets, they should be treated with love as they are born to love us. i feel bad for the pet owners who had their cats stolen.
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
I think people with those kind of attitude should feel the same treatment on what they did to the animals so that they will not do it again!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Dec 10
oh letran not really oh how horrible this is making me feel ill to my tummy. Why are people so cruel are they so money hungry they have forgotten all common decency? Sometimes I think the cats and dogs' have more common sense than mankind does.Fpr food ! I once saw some horrid pictures on the net of killed dogs ready to be butchered and I cried just thinking of the barbarism of it all. Firite pets for so litle oh this is all so sick. Yes pet owners in your country had better keep a close eye on their beloved pets. I am so sorry hearing this.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Dec 10
typo Firite sorry I have no idea what that was supposed to be, I have been fighting a mylot glitch where something is wiping out my responses Fpr was supposed to be for.and it throws me off in typing as I try to copy to the clipboard to save any responses that may be whisked away. darn.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Dec 10
People suck...
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
you got that right dawn!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Dec 10
I become very distressed when I hear about incidents like those! I cannot imagine someone abducting any of my precious pets and sending them off to be tortured and killed for pittens! What I don’t understand is how there can be such heartless individuals in this world. It saddens and shakes my faith a great deal...
@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
Our doggie  - this is our dog.
That is sad,Perhaps the government takes heed on what should be more proper in taking good care of our pets. for food? who could eat dogs and cats? I hope that is not true
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
They don't have the resources, am sure they can't even result into neutering the dogs and prefer using smoke belcher to kill them. I know, people wouldn't notice in local canteens, so i suggest you avoid eating there as some are adding dog or cat meat
@franne32 (694)
• Philippines
16 Dec 10
That is indeed terrible. I think I saw a glimpse of that news once. I hated it when that happens and those animals have the right to live just as we do because we don't own this planet. Heck, we're the ones who are even slowly destroying it.
• Philippines
17 Dec 10
that's exactly what's happening knowing that we are growing exponentially and people seemed careless about pollution. now we experience flood and climate, something that our people not used to have.
• Philippines
13 Jan 11
Animals being sold for money without authority! They MUST be in jail for 10 years! Dogs, cats, and other animals in our houses aren't food. I also hate dissecting animals. I cannot even kill a silly little mouse that lurks in my room. The animals were sure be stolen from their owners. What if we switch the animals rights with these criminals civil rights as a punishment?
• Philippines
18 Dec 10
Sad that there is some people out there who is so cruel to animals and greedy too.Two years ago i watched a documentary show in tv featuring a cats for sale about 30-50.00 it depends on the coat color they used it for mat and bags making :(. Then a month a go i read an article in a newspaper that they are going to launched an Anti-Rabies Campaign in Metro Manila and other part of the country the purposed of this campaign is to lessen the rabies cases in the country they came up in ideas of putting the animals to sleep if they are unclaimed stray or breed one. No animal wants to be homeless it's just happened that some pet owner is really irresponsible one. have a great day!
• Philippines
15 Dec 10
I have watched that on our local news about the cats being kidnapped (or should we say Catnapped?!). I really pity them. Some of the cats have owners. They were stolen by those bad guys. And they are being sold for only 30 pesos. After that, they are going to be killed or experimented by the medical people. How sad. I wish we can do something about this animal cruelty. Even though they are just animals, they still have life. And feelings too!