
United States
December 21, 2010 1:02pm CST
When you start a discussion and it goes for days with out any answers no responses, and you really would like some one to respond but you haven't gotten one yet, how does that make you feel angry? Upset? Don't care? Just wondering, and when you log in to my lot do you go to the no response area and try to respond to the discussions that have been sitting there for days? I like to do that, go to the no response section and answer as many as I can.
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9 responses
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
21 Dec 10
I don't get angry when people do not respond to my posts, but sometimes it does upset me that people do not care about an issue I feel so strongly about. I think it has to do with my holistic perspective though. Because I see everything as being connected in a complex system, it bothers me when people avoid the truth and logical consequences of human actions. I just want people to care about each other more--sometimes I feel like I'm doing all the caring, and getting all the hurt. But I digress. When talking about the no response section, I think this is the best place to go. Sometimes I don't have a response, but if a post gets me thinking, I do respond. I think it's the best way to encourage people to talk about the issues we still experience. So if your post moves me, and if I saw it, then I respond. Timing is everything, and sometimes we are on a different schedule than the people who will understand our point. Which is good and bad. Bad when you want people to respond to you soon, but good to know there are people out there, like you, that can help affect the world in a way you support. Good question. :)
• United States
21 Dec 10
That is so true we are all on different schedules, and sometimes I don't get a response until a few days later, but it really does not bother me. What does bother me is sometimes I see some discussions with no responses that have been sitting there for a long time and I try to get to them but I have so many other thhings going on around the house that sometimes I just can't get to them.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
21 Dec 10
Like you, I can't get some conversations or questions out of my head. And I'll see a title that sounds interesting, but then life takes center stage. Sometimes I think that if I just sat down and talked with other people, especially those looking for responses, then I could help draw attention to a good discussion. If only there were 25 hours in a day, and 8 days in a week ;)
@lovedude (4447)
• India
22 Dec 10
Well.. I do get nervous as I generally don't start useless topic to start.. in fact yesterday only I started a discussion related security of computer.. but just got one response.. I felt little bad.. but thought that anyhow atleast I got a reply :-)
• United States
22 Dec 10
Sometimes it will make me a bit sad but I don't and won't dwell on it because usually it gets a reply in a few days. Well have a good day!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
26 Dec 10
I don’t feel annoyed if no one responds to my posts although if I have one sitting there in the No Responses section it is nice to receive at least one reply so as to get it out of there! It doesn’t bother me that much and I too like to go to the No Responses and help others out except for times like right now when I can barely manage to keep up with my notifications!
• Singapore
22 Dec 10
Well I do have a few which are unanswered. But the reason why it goes unanswered could be, it's not of general interest to the friends or the general community here. At Mylot, we have to create unique topics and those which really stir up the interest of the community here. It's kind of difficult at times, I agree.
• United States
22 Dec 10
Yea I agree.
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
16 Jan 11
when I start a disscussion I hope I get plenty of answers. but if no one wants to awnser that is allright with me. I have not gone to the no respose area of mylot but I might try one day.
• United States
22 Dec 10
So far I have had no discussions that have not gone unanswered, but I said so far.. LOL.. I do enjoy going to the no responses as sometimes some members start way too many in one sitting that it pushes away some really great discussions that go un-noticed.
• United States
22 Dec 10
Yea I just go through them at times and I sometimes see some of mine unansweres but eventually they do get answered Hvae a good day.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
22 Dec 10
i usually don't care so much whether people respond to my discussions or not... may be a little bit upset and wondering why my discussion doesn't get a single respond... but that's about it... i don't want to ponder too long on it as it is no use and just wasting my time... take care and have a nice day...
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
22 Dec 10
hi there jahernandezrivas!!I've been a member of mylot for 4 months now.I don't spend that much time in mylot and I am not that active in the discussions.I only started discussions whenever there's something that I really want to tell.And if this discussions don't get any responses I just think of another more interesting topic again and post it here in mylot.I don't think that I should be depressed when the discussions that I've started doesn't earn any responses.I'll just tell myself that maybe people here in mylot werent that interested in that topic or they rather look for a more interesting topic that will suite there abilities to answer.People have there reasons,I am also having a hard time in choosing the topic where I should response but nevertheless I am enjoying in what I am doing here in mylot...
@mtrguanlao (5522)
• Philippines
22 Dec 10
Hi jahernandezrivas! I feel lucky enough that I don't have discussions with no reply at all but if ever I would experience it,I guess I wont feel angry,I will just feel sad about it. Maybe,it's hard to answer your post. Sometimes, I mean most of the time,I don't respond to discussions that it's hard for me to answer. I don't know how to categorize a topic as a hard one,I just don't feel like answering it,lol! I post easy topics about our lives which I'm sure all of us knows how to answer it. Questions like how deep is your love to your partner..easy to answer right? See you around! Happy mylotting!