Is it okay to COURT a guy?

@mjoy07 (202)
December 23, 2010 9:05pm CST
any opinion on this? is it okay for a girl to court a guy??
7 responses
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
I think it is okay. I knew someone who courted a guy before and I believe there is nothing wrong with that. Although that must be the job of the guys, girls also have the right to court the guy they like. Equal opportunities for all. LOL
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
do your friend won the guy's heart? =)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Yes. It happens that the guy secretly like her too, and the guy is just too shy to approach my friend. I know another case similar to these, and that was another success story. ^^
@yumcookie (146)
• United States
24 Dec 10
I don't see any reason why a girl can't court a guy but the thing is that usually its the woman who is always ready for marriage. The reason guys ask is because they tend to be the ones who aren't ready for the commitment just yet. If they wait to long however the woman will grow impatient and just up and leave the dude. Better for the woman to ask to court the guy than just leave him because she thinks he isn't ready but really is and is just waiting for the right time to ask or maybe uncertain if his other half is ready for the commitment.
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
23 May 11
yeah. its true. its the guys who aren't ready for commitment. =)
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
24 Dec 10
It's only not OK if you don't feel confortable doing so, as any thing that might make us feel unconfortable. Apart from that, it's completely OK for a girl to go after a boy instead of being the opposite. If we always had to wait for guys to take the first step many couples would have never existed, and it's very sad that a shy person might never find a couple because a girl can't go after this person -not that a girl can't, but that many people still have that old fashined idea in their heads-.
• United States
24 Dec 10
I do not see why not as if successful both will be sharing pretty much all their likes and dislikes. There are just as much shy guy's as there are shy girls so someone should take the initiative. If both have the intention of being together it is my opinion it truly does not matter who initiated it.
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
Hi mjoy. Time has changed. Whereas years ago, for girls to go after boys is definitely taboo and they get branded and labelled as flirty and promiscuous, now I was told by my young friends this thing is "in". Nothing wrong with this but we are still predominantly traditional, at least in my country, and it may be difficult to get away from this tradition. Girls would be taken advantaged of. So while it is okay, care and judgement must be used. Merry christmas.
@cssiduyz (1053)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 10
in fact every human being is entitled and allowed to prosecute anyone if there is something that really should be resolved in this way. because women and men are equal, so we are entitled to give us the right to prosecute anyone.
@mjoy07 (202)
• Philippines
24 Dec 10
practising equality. nice.
@Sissi321 (130)
• China
24 Dec 10
the love right is equal,si if you like him,just tell him...because met one person who you love is not easy,why give yourself once chance??even failed, but you have tried..