
December 28, 2010 5:43am CST
How many discussions have you started ? And have you realised if there are any specific topics that catch interests and are responded by many people. There are few topics as in relationships catch lot of attention and discussions based on relationships are responded by many. I would also credit to the number of friends you have which is very obvious. The more number of friends the more likely your discussion to be responded. I have also realised that responding a discussion earns you the same as starting one discussion. Is this true? Would appeciate your feedback.
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6 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
28 Dec 10
All of our activity earns for us as long as it is of quality and within the Guidelines. It makes no difference where we post but if we discuss and further the topic we are doing what myLot was created for and we will not be disappointed with our earnings. I have not started many discussions since I joined almost 4 years ago. So far only 457 but I did comment on almost all of the responses, even those which arrive years later on my first discussions here.
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• India
28 Dec 10
Can you be more specific what you mean by quality work? So you mean responding earns you more while you start a discussion?
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
28 Dec 10
MyLot tell us: "myLot does not reward low-quality contributions" http://www.mylot.com/o/faq/faq6.aspx You earn for what you type, If you start a discussion you will not earn for the responses that others post on it, they will. You can earn by commenting on those responses and furthering the topic. That is what makes a discussion.
@visavis (5934)
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
See I've learned more things from you (mysdianait) now... yes our friend is correct through her experienced here you can count her as a very helpful friend in terms of discussion.... So if I ware you deepikavivek10 do what mysdianait said.... because it is true here.... thanks see you around
@Wefight (328)
28 Dec 10
Well first of all yeh you are right it is all about how many friends you have and whether the interest you ar putting it under has many active users there is no point in putting it there if it has 2 active users.Like you ahve put this one in the right place as it has got lots of views and responses and will/has made you a lot of money from commenting.I persoanlly do not start many discussions as i will not get a lot of responses and i just dont see the point i also prefer to share my help out and offer it over here as i find myself more use the only time that i might write a discussion or question is if i am puzzled on a answer and cant find it any where on the internet lol which even if i do say so myself is not very often.
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• India
29 Dec 10
Hmmm... Seems like lot of people espescially the experienced ones mostly only respond to discussions than starting ones. I have myself also found very difficult to start a discussion all from scratch. That too after so many discussions in this forum seems like any discussion you start would only be duplication to an existing one. (except for very few). But I must admit that there are few discussions that really catch my attention. They are so very simple to answer and easy to participate. I wonder how poeple do it.
@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 10
In some of my discussions you can see that i got more than 200 responses but mostly it was because of the timing when to post it and at which time i replied to it. There are many members from Asia and the USA, so you should look for the times when they are online to get a decent amount of responses to which you can respond again. With your response you might attract again other members to add their comments to your discussion to make it more lively! Some of the discussions have been very general, some very specific but most have been easy to answer and it should be a topic in which everyone can express their opinion.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
28 Dec 10
Long time no see! The time zone thinghas changed a lot recently. There a many more Lotters from Europenow and it is busier during the US night-time than it used to be say a year ago. I hope all is well with you and yours
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@cornyman (1128)
• Germany
28 Dec 10
Well, diana being again inactive for nearly a year made me loose these informations. After being now back to Germany from Malaysia, it would have been better to stay in Malaysia (just to chat with all these Americans at their night time)... as it is not so convenient to chat in Germany between 3 - 6 am. In Malaysia it would be between 9 am - 12 pm Usually we are all well here... except the last few cold days gave all three of as a not so great sneezing/coughing cold.
• India
29 Dec 10
Woww.. Thats a great tip I never realized. The timing, I should admit that there are a lot of Asians doing this. Anyways point noted.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
28 Dec 10
hi, i think i have posted topic less than 100, and all topic i started have responded, and i think some of my friends can relate to topic i post.
• India
28 Dec 10
Thats really great. All the topics responded. Do you mean responded more than 5 people. Then thats really nice. Infact I sometimes make it habit to respond topics with no responses (ofcourse if I am aware of the topic).
@Wefight (328)
28 Dec 10
No i think he just meen 1 response or more but that is still [retty good as it is really quite hard to make a topic to stand out these days as there are quite a few differant topics out there and you could just search for the answer yourself lol.Thats the thing i like about mylot if you cant find the answer on the web for some reason then there is most likely a discussion about it on here and if there is not then you can just make one with less than 2 minutes work and even get paid for it.It is also good if you want a fast good answer with not many tricky words as it is written by actual people and friends of yours from round the world you can also make some pretty good friends for life on here.
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@cssiduyz (1053)
• Indonesia
29 Dec 10
not so much. I usually do more / other people respond to the discussion.
• India
11 Jan 11
I dont think so...Generally I have noticed that mylot used to pay 1cent for eaching reply post. But one day I didn't reply to any post and opened one new discussion, that day I got 2cent for it. New discussion gives more cents because it will have the topic and also one image. For both of them, mylot used to pay seperately.