Cleaning Up Unresolved Discussions!?

@shattered (1728)
January 1, 2011 5:47am CST
I was just looking through my discussions and realized I have a lot of unresolved discussions. As the new year begins I would like to start a new mylot habit of choosing the best response before the discussion becomes stale. It made me wonder what mylotters do with their unresolved discussions... and so I just have to ask...Do you regularly check your unresolved discussions? And how do you chose the best answer?
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18 responses
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
2 Jan 11
i hardly started a discussion here... most of the time, i just respond to other people's discussions... and so far, i hardly give best response as well for my discussions... i don't know why... i think i'm just being lazy and couldn't be bothered... this year, i will try my best to give best response to my discussions to appreciate the person who respond to my discussion... take care and have a nice day...
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Yeah it would be a good way to show our appreciation to the people who are participating in our discussions. I also respond to others discussion more than I start new ones. Its hard to respond to all the comments and responses! On top of that I get stuck with an unresolved discussion!
@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
2 Jan 11
I take quite a long time before giving BR... sometimes I resolve discussions without even commenting! I did so in past, as I discovered recently. And I will NEVER recommend anyone to do this! As far as I know BRs don't contribute significantly in anyone's earning, so there's no hurry from my part. For me, best is always yet to come. Once in a while I go to these discussions to see if there is a scope for BR. If there's it's fine else I just keep it open... I just find some answer best, on mystic parameters.. Once I gave BR to something I totally disagreed with! Ah, but I was novice then and it was only answer so...
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I have also given BR to an opposing view. I believe it was the best answer even If I disagreed with it, they gave the best response to the topic. It happens I guess I don't really know what a BR gets either, but yeah there is no actual hurry, I guess its just a compulsion to resolved matters for me!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
1 Jan 11
It is good to be up to date and resolved any unresolved discussions when the right time comes. I still have few pages of unresolved discussions which I need to resolved but am a procrastinator and never got around to award BR to the deserving recipients.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I used to procrastinate as well that why I got swamped with a lot of unresolved discussions, I'll try not to procrastinate this year too often!
@free_man (7330)
• United States
1 Jan 11
Hi Shattered. I have several unresolved discussions. I just haven't found the response that I was looking for on some of them. I don't know but when I read a response I just know it is the best one. I try to let the discussion go for a few days to see what kind of responses I get. But that isn't always the case sometimes I just start a discussion and right off the bat when I get a response that touches my heart that is the one I give the BR to.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
3 Jan 11
Hi Shattered. I don't give out the BR till I read the response that really deserves it. But some discussions hardly draw any attention and if I feel like it will never be resolved I give out a BR to the best one that has been posted. But that is a rare thing for me I try to wait till it is resolved. Good luck!
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
True when a response deserves it why hold back. And yes some discussions have no good responses at all! I might as well wait a while for some of them right, if none deserve the BR then maybe I shouldn't give it right?
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@megamatt (14292)
• United States
2 Jan 11
I am avoiding unresolved discussions like the plague. I just can't pick a best response. I just know that someone is going to come along and post a response that might be better than the response I picked as the best response. I don't care if the topic is four, five, six, seven, eight months or whatever old, it is going to happen. If I did choose the best answer, I do think that I would spend a lot more time than I needed and in the end, I would most likely be torn. If you responded to one of my topics, they'll all good...well about ninety eight percent of the responses anyway, I'm sure their are exceptions.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
It does happen just when you choose a BR somebody answer a one year old discussion and give such an amazing answer you'd want to give them the BR if you could. I guess its all about timing. A good answer given in time is better that a great answer given after the fact right? Then again, it really depends on the topic and the originator of the discussion. I guess it is just in my personality not to leave thing unresolved
1 Jan 11
I usuallu leave it about 3 -4 weeks before choosing a best response as rersponswes do tend to keep coming in. Of course the discussions can continue even when a best response has been awarded.
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@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
1 Jan 11
Hi, I have done that quite several time, I mean puting my response after the BR was selected. But many people try to avoid discussion that is technically resolved. I never select a BR in haste. I leave up to minimum two weeks and some could go beyond that. And of course I finally pick up the best of them.
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@marrie1 (255)
• United States
2 Jan 11
I've noticed tht as well. Oh and thanks all for the suggestions. I have some unresolved discussions but was afraid to ask the question feeling like I would look stupid. I've been with my lot for about a year now. Thanks all.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
2 Jan 11
True a discussion can continue when a BR is chosen but krajibg is also right that some mylotters tend to stay away from resolved discussions As for me if it interests me, I don't really care if its resolved or not! Sometimes I wonder why a discussion started for just about 10 minutes has already a BR tho! Maybe the originator wants all of his/her discussions resolved before logging out?
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jan 11
hi shattered you have just given me the incentive to finish my own unresolved discussions too. a good way to start the new year actually catching up on something here in mylot. I always do wait two weeks to let my mylot friends have tinm to read and respond if they wish as it seems so much fair that way I know some do the brs in hours or aday but I think thats not really fair to those who may be very busy but will respond in a few days.I checked a few days back but its time to do so again. I just read all the responses then just pick out maybe three then read again and pick the best of the three. I do not agonize over it like some do here as its not as if the person getting the br is going to get paid more for it.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Two weeks is a good time frame. Yeah some just BR right away without giving people enough time to respond to their discussions. BUt hey to each his won right? YOu are right tho there may not be a direct incentive to getting the BR but it would really help if people know that you are actually considering their responses right? I dont agonize about it either but sometime it s just difficult to choose one
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
2 Jan 11
I'm sure a lot of members have unresolved topics I do too, not because I they dont want to resolve them but because its hard to keep track of every single topic made, I know that its not too easy to scroll through all my old topics, and I've made a lot of discussions over the few years I've been here, though I must say reading this post has motivated me to go back through my topics and resolve some of the older ones.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Yeah, I guess with all the discussion we join and start ourselves, the fact that we have discussions left unresolved sometimes remain unnoticed. I'm glad I motivated you indirectly to go back to your past discussions
@Lisander (273)
• Armenia
2 Jan 11
Hi shattered This is a good point you brought up. I myself have lots of discussions unresolved, i didn't know i must resolve them. Best answer is hard to find or chose among others, and i didn't know we must chose best answer for every discussion. But i wonder, what to do if there is only one answer? must we chose it as best answer automatically? Even if it isn't best of the answers.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I guess if you can't find a best answer then it is best to leave it as an unresolved one. The answer must satisfy you one way or another to get the BR right? You are not required to give the BR but it is recommended for you to do so to give appreciation to those that take the time to respond to your discussions
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
1 Jan 11
I don't like to leave any unresolved discussions. i do my best not to leave them behind. it is kind of pointless to begin a discussion only to to leave it hanging.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
2 Jan 11
True, I always follow-up on my discussions, but sometimes I forget to give a best answer! For several reasons, 1 schedules clogged, 2 no answer satisfies me as a best answer and 3 there are several answers that deserve the best response. The latter is the most difficult one.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
2 Jan 11
For me yes it is god so that don't have many load in your mylot discussion.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Yeah, it lightens up the load quite a bit without having to worry about it as I start new ones. Discussions continue despite a having a BR chosen though.
• Philippines
1 Jan 11
If the unresolved issue does not affect you at all then do not resolve it. In my eagerness to removed that from my file I give the best response to anybody who wants who comments that I think has written several things about the discussed topic but now it no longer affects me because in my mind the best response should be really the best one given.
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@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
1 Jan 11
It does not really affect me, but it would also be good to give props to those that took the time to respond to one's discussions right? Yeah it is always good to wait for the best answer rather than rush to resolve a discussion.
@calpro (930)
• India
2 Jan 11
Hi shattered I mostly mark best response when I find one of the best of all the responses. Other wise I generally wait for couple of months and mark best response. It is always an encouragement to mark best response and an applause for the person hard work of giving his best thoughts in writing. I personally enjoy my response being marked as best response, I check my profile once in a week to see if I have got any best responses. On seeing them I feel really accomplished with a sense of satisfaction. I choose the best answer based on positive things related to discussion, that does not mean they have to agree to me. If they poured something really useful to all of us who read the discussion I mark them as best. Happy Living Calpro
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
Hey Calpro, I agree that the BR need not be one that agrees with our views. I have given BR to some that directly opposes my views. I too enjoy having my responses marked as BR, it is satisfying indeed! I also wait for more than a week to give my BR except in extreme cases when an answer is so comprehensive that I am left with no choice but to give the BR immediately happened only once or twice, and it was an objective question as well. Happy New Year!
@wje4site (170)
• India
1 Jan 11
Yes, I am also waiting to clear them. But most of them aren't get the best response. But I am waiting with eager until I reach a good response. May be even after 2 years. lol . :). Choosing best response is depends on discussions. I almost post some discussion to seek information which I need. I don't have time to post trivial post which ask or share useless. So, In this criteria you have only two choice: You get answer or Nothing useful. So you can choose one answer. lol, there is another kind of issue I have with that in Unresolved. For some discussions, I really have more than one best. In that case , I am keeping mum to get more and/or rating the bests as +. Hope this would be best in that case. :)
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
2 Jan 11
I agree that sometimes it is difficult to get the best response, and these occur in two cases, when none of the response are good enough or when more than one response is good. I tend to give positive ratings to responses that further the discussions, even if I don't think it is a great response. I believe thats what the + rating is for. When I give a best response he gets bot + and the BR True, when you are seeking for a specific answer it is easier to give the BR
• United States
2 Jan 11
I too have unresolved questions so if you want to try to answer one of mine I too will answer some of yours.
• United States
11 Jan 11
Thank you.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I will look at some of your discussions as soon as I finish responding to all comments made on this
• United States
2 Jan 11
I too have unresolved questions so if you want to look at my questions i will look at yours.
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
1 Jan 11
Hi shattered, Good that you have started the necessary evils. Half of the task I completed some months back. But still there are so many to resolve. If not at a time I will do them in parts.
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
True for people who have been in mylot for quite some time, there would be a lot of unresolved topics! Doing it in part may be a good idea, it would too much time to finish it in one go if you have a lot of unresolved topics.
• United States
2 Jan 11
I had not logged in until now and notice you cleaning out your best responses. An advance thank you as I received several. I like to keep my discussions open for 1 -2 weeks but see I do not start that many so it is quite easy for me to close them out in one sitting. Since I do not start many I remember who stood out with very good content that contributed to the discussion. Any one with good responses, I seemingly give positive rating. As this way it does not make it difficult to decide between so many great ones. I usually rate positive as soon as they come in as my discussions can go 7 pages long so this way I do not have to go back and re read as I select the br. Happy New Year!
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
I've been trying to do the same. + rating as soon as I read a worthwhile response, comment. I'm staying away from starting too many discussions as well, about 1-5 in a week is not so much right? But when I have a discussion with many replies such as this, I don't start another discussion until I finish reading and replying to all posts, unless I need to (like the no dec 31 earning earlier) Thanks for the heads up btw At least poster have instant gratification with my + rating and delayed one when they get my BR Happy New Year!!!
@shattered (1728)
• Philippines
3 Jan 11
BTW you deserved those BRs no thanks needed
• United States
3 Jan 11
Not at all, and I find that the discussions you do create are of great substance. There are members here that start 10 - 20 of one liner discussions. Yours are very educating, information and fun. Keep up the great work my friend.