The types of kittens who scratch and bite

United States
January 4, 2011 6:45pm CST
These types of kittens are the only ones i like. I don't like cats who are cuddle cuddle all the time. I like cats that bite for some reason. Especially kittens, they are soo cute. And so much fun to play with. I am a dog person but latley i have been around some cute kittens. And now i want one. I want a kitten who has no mother, or has been around a lot of crazy stuff. Like my ocusins kitten. The kids who had it before he did locked the kitten in cabinets and stuff. And now the kitten scratches you when you bet it and curls itself around your hand and i think it's soo cute. what do you think?
1 response
• United States
11 Jan 11
Ohhh that was so cruel for them to lock them in a cabinet. You probably just like playful kittens with a lot of personality. If you go to a pet store or even better the animal shelter ask if there are any kittens or cats that are playful and have a lot of personality, they'll know just what you mean.