Do you use coupons?

@calajane (1003)
January 20, 2011 6:03am CST
Recently I've watched an interesting documentary about extreme couponers. People who shop using various discount coupons, stocking up on every possible item, just because they could've gotten it for cheap. I'm not asking you if you go to extremes like that when you shop. But do you regularly use discount coupons in your shopping? Do you actively look for deals even if it means checking out more than one supermarket?
6 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
21 Jan 11
I am no extreme couponer. I rarely use coupons but then again, most of the coupons I find are for things I have no use for, so buying them would defeat the purpose of saving money - because you're SPENDING money on something you don't need (even if you save a few bucks of the full purchase price.) I do use online promo codes, or I at least check for them, for anything I buy online. There almost is a helpful promo code - whether it's shopping online, ordering pizza online, or pretty much anything else.
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
21 Jan 11
I never actually activel;y looked for promo codes or deals online, but I think I might start Thanks for responding!
• United States
21 Jan 11
I use coupons any time I have them and it fits my shopping list. I try to be careful because my mother-in-law will go on a shopping spree and buy things she ends up never using just because she had a coupon for it. No shame in using coupons, saving money rocks! There is a Wal-Mart and a Meijer right across the street from each other, so I do a bit of shopping around for deals if I think I can get a better price.
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
21 Jan 11
Yeah, that is one behavior I don't really understand. Buying something you don't need, just because it's cheaper than usual. I never do that. I go in, get what I need, sometimes I might stock up on stuff I use all the time, but since I don't have a car, I rarely buy tons of stuff. And yeah, saving money rocks!
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
9 Mar 11
If I find coupons for the items that I would be buying, then of course I would use them. That is after all a discount, and I might as well make use of it, right ? Some coupons are worth quite a lot, whereas some may be just a few cents.
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
20 Jan 11
Sure I do. And I really do save a lot of money that way. There are only 2 or 3 supermarkets in my town and I know which one doubles coupons and which one doesn't but generally have a lower price on most items to start. I don't go to the extremes that some people do but if I still lived in an area that had lots of stores to choose from I certainly would. The groceries keep going up and the product keeps getting smaller so why not let the manufacturer pick up some of the difference?
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@calajane (1003)
• Poland
21 Jan 11
There aren't many coupons for regular shopping here in Poland, just the regular deals in supermarkets, so I'm very interested in hearing how it works for other people. Thank you for sharing!
@kal127 (13)
30 Jan 11
I personally don't use coupons very often. I will use them if they just happen to be something that I need to buy and it's a good deal. A lot of the time 10 and 15 cents just doesn't seem to be worth it to me. Most of the time if I use a coupon it's for $1.00 or more.
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• United States
27 Apr 11
I try to remember to use them. Sometimes I get so excited to buy something I forget all about them.