Do you keep record of your expenses?

@RamRes (1723)
January 22, 2011 11:26pm CST
Simple question. I try my best to manage my money, and end up taking notes of everything I earn and all my expenses in the computer, I'm using a program that gives me detailed info about how much I've spent and how. It's a nice way to keep record of my personal accounting for at least know if I will reach my next salary with something left in the pocket. What about you? Keep a record of some sort? Or simply use your money as it goes and live to the day?
22 responses
@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
23 Jan 11
I'm not as detailed but I do keep track of a majority of my spendings every month. I always make sure that I cover all of my bills since those are the most important things. I usually don't keep track of the smaller spendings but I'm starting to think that I ought to since they do kind of add up in a month timespan and it would be nice to know how much I'm actually spending on the little things.
@raj7shot (838)
• India
23 Jan 11
Detail record is not important, thing is to know what is coming out and what is going out and what for?
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
Those very small spendings may add up over time and become great, that's important if you have little salary or high bills for example, but it's always nice to have some detail to know on what are you spending. Perhaps it's not thaaat important, I tend to be a little paranoid about statistics, but knowing on what and when you spend or earn is a tool if you're short on funds, you may take decisions on what to cut and what to leave to make a small savings.
@louie847 (350)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
Well, somehow i keep track on my daily expenses to maintain my budget for atleast 2 weeks before my next salary arrives. it is very difficult if i just do not mind my financial budget and just spend spend and spend.
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@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
I think it's not the best way, at least for me. I want to anticipate anything about my finances as much as I can so I want to keep trace of everything to at least make a simple calculation if I'll reach the end of month.
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
Hi, I use to keep the receipts of my expenses from day to day transactions.It helps to manage one's cash and make a proper planning for next days.
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@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
I usually don't keep any receipts or vouchers, save for big purchases, the basic services and my salary bill. Otherwise, I keep everything on my phone on a note, then pass it to computer, but no real voucher involved. Perhaps is a good habit to take into account.
• United States
23 Jan 11
I do to a certain extent as I use Quickbooks so that I can show totals of business expenses and earnings. I also track monthly bills. Things I pay with cash I do not though. Great that you are organized as it comes in handy when lets say a company says you did not pay this way you have a systematic record.
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
Some, like myself, would call me paranoid instead of organized, so thanks I try to keep everything, to the daily meals I buy to the bus ticket coins, so I can latter know how much and how I've spent that.
@tvarasu10 (101)
• India
23 Jan 11
Keeping record of expenses will definetely useful for curtaiment of wasteful expenditure and increase our savings.
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
Of course, taking notes on what and how is a great tool for aiding our pockets.
@raj7shot (838)
• India
23 Jan 11
Great discussion.Really appreciate your values. I am also having the same kind of habit.But i am using simple excel format for tracking the expenses for every month.I am having this habit for past 3 years. Its a good habit of tracking our expenses, it is very useful for the future.I recommend everone to have this habit. Money is not coming easily, so why we are lazy in tracking the expenses.It will take a min only.We are spending lot of time to earn.Why can't we spend 1 min in record our expense.
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@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
Nice habit, Excel is really easy to use and with a little of patience you can get great and even profesional and detailed reports out of it if you really want. It would have been my second program of choice if I don't found the program I'm using right now. And yes, I agree with the last too. People is too lazy to even go to work for the money, and even more lazy to take 5 minutes to record everything, and that provides with a ton of info about our money. Too bad for them I would say hehehe
@dodo19 (47189)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
23 Jan 11
I don't actually keep track of my expenses. It would probably be a good idea for my husband and me to do this, or at least, for me to do it for myself, but at the same time, it's not necessarily something that I want to do. Maybe someday I might want to, or feel the need to do this, but for the moment, I don't really have the time, or anything like that.
• India
23 Jan 11
I won't keep track of records. However, I will plan how to spend the amount. However, I would love to manage the money by keeping record of my expenses. Hopefully, I would do so in future.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Mar 11
I don't keep a detailed record but I have not got a lot of online money sites that I use. I only use three or four. I keep up with them pretty good. I have thought about an excel sheet before just to keep things organized. I'm just afraid that I will not keep it updated with my busy lifestyle. Maybe I will try to start something like that this summer when things slow down a bit for me. It can be very important for budgeting..especially if you have several sources of income.
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
I sometimes do keep records of my earnings and expenses when I'm not that busy and only at a time when I want to hit a target of a particular amount I want to save up. But when I'm busy, I don't do it. I only make a list on a tiny notebook but not as detailed as what you have. It's more of an estimate.
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@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jan 11
Everyone has it's methods and as far as it's enough for you, good!! It's hard and you have to keep constant on maintaining the records too.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
I do keep track of our expenses. Somehow you know where your money is going. At least you get to allocate your money to things that are essential like paying your monthly bills or buying food. You get to prioritize your needs first before you get to spend your money with your wants. Some people tend to splurge on their wants after receiving their salaries. And soon enough they would have problems with their needs, so they resort to getting into debts or maxing out their credit cards. Tracking your expenses somehow gives you an overview of what your current financial status is.
@lizmik143 (137)
• Philippines
24 Jan 11
I don't have that much expenses. However, I still keep records of my income minus detailed expenses. It is helpful in a way that I can keep track of what things to spend less and save more.
• Indonesia
23 Jan 11
Great, your records are well managed. I am so lazy of collect and organizing my bills, receipts etc. That's why I always seems to lost them. Especially those litle notes that came from the ATM machine, even though I've tried to collect every piece of them, the ink will disappear and leave only a blank note, lol. Yes I should try to keep my records in more adequate way. Thanks for inspire me, hope I'll finally do it.
• United States
23 Jan 11
i don't keep track of my money but i definitely should. it would let me know how much needless money i am spending and help me to save that money. but i'm not spending a lot right now so i don't need to worry about it just yet.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
I do keep a small notebook to track my expenses. This has become a habit for since I started earning my own money. I had to learn how to stretch my small salary back then since I was the only one earning for my family that time. I still keep track of my expenses today because in this way I know if I have spent something foolishly or not.
@mastinet (467)
• India
23 Jan 11
Keeping track / record of expenses and income is a good habbit. We must have some kind of budget allocated for our daily expenses and side by side expenses. We must also contribute a part of our income towards savings for future. Keeping track of expenditure in form of some notes or database makes us aware of the fact that on which head we are expensing the most and on which head we can control our expenses. But this should be kept in mind that keeping track / record of expenses is different and becoming miser is totally different. We must have track of our expenses but it should not lead towards misery.
@gcabando (313)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
What I do most for me to track my expenses is I do a list of all of my expense everyday for me to track my finances and expense.
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
23 Jan 11
It is always best to be organized, though I believe that we could not control most of our actions. But yes, recording and monitoring our expenses, both source of income and where we spent it, would be a great help for us to learn to budget. We could learn to prioritize things we really need or want.
@murtaza45 (173)
• India
23 Jan 11
i am some product to market price low but i am try expenses to allseller to about to price very high but i am says this prices to down price to market price to vallue about mrp Rs 50 please expenses to Rs 20 to price i am credited to me.
• Thailand
23 Jan 11
yes , i do keep a record of the money i spent , every penny i spent. but i only do that before i sleep , i cant sleep if there is a single penny missing , i dont know why but it became my habit . i must a a good one. but sometimes my friends always ask me , why do i do that for? their reason is money just come and go eventually. but for me keeping a record is important.