Do we earn to live or we live to earn?

January 27, 2011 12:10am CST
Ever thought of this question? If not, start thinking about it. We go through different phases of life. And this is a phase when we have to shoulder the responsibility of our family. We try our best to satisfy all the needs of our family. We go on working hard for days, months, years till its all over! Yes till we die and in the process we forget to live for ourselves. Ofcourse by seeing that your children get the best education and they become whatever they want with all your hard earns, you feel its worth it but when i think of my dad, he lived all his life for serving me and my family. And he did everything to keep us happy. But then, what about him? He spent all his precious years of living behind us without even thinking of himself. Though i will try my level best to make his life of heaven sorts now that i am earning, but he wont get those golden years back! So what do you think about this question? Your thoughts please. Thank you in advance for the response.
10 responses
@koikei (206)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
greetings! well money can certainly pave the path to happiness, but it isn't happiness. what your father did was borne out of true love for his family. who are we to say that he wasn't happy with what he did? that it made his life complete?
• India
27 Jan 11
Yes, right. I am nobody to question this. That was infact his love for us. But i sometimes feel that he didnt live for himself in the process. Like you know, he had many friends before he got married to my mom. And he was like a free bird, who was used to be out with his friends enjoying his life to fullest. But then he was shouldered with responsibilities which he happily accepted. He left all his friends and just lived for us. We all do the same actually. We live for our family and we have to forget our personal life.
• India
27 Jan 11
We need to live a balanced life. Our parents earned and then we will earn and our future generations also will earn. Without earning its difficult to live. We would not get a easy life without earning. We have a purpose for our survival and we need to undergo all these.
• India
27 Jan 11
Agreed. We have a purpose and that is to live. But then, do we have to go on earning just for remaining alive? Are we here just to do that?
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
27 Jan 11
Hi,since most of us are not born from very rich families, so if we want to live, we must earn. Sometimes it is a hardship support the whole family. But to see family members can live very well and kids all grow up to useful citizens. It is a delight to us. It is a pity when we grow up and can help the family, our parents become old. As you said, their goden years is over. But it is life. Everyone should pass childhood, teens, middle age, and old age. So as a son or daughter, what we can do is to try our best to be good to our old parents.
• India
27 Jan 11
Ya, that is what i am gonna do now. Give them back whatever they did for me. Thank you aprilsong for the response. Anything else that you wanna add?
@sy0712 (155)
• China
27 Jan 11
Always,it is a very kinky problem,like came first,the chicken or the egg came first,or have first man or have first woman,I think about this question,very few people can give the correct answer,in fact,no so-called the correct answer,the key depends on how you look at your life,you think your life is to earn money,or that you make money is for better life,it all depends on how well you think!
• India
27 Jan 11
Sy, i am really confused after reading your response. Can you explain it in a better manner?
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
We live our life the best as we can, and we have to go through such trials and tribulations. That's life. But, as a human being we have to think the way we can live comfortably by finding jobs, and other things that matter most to us. Since your father's like that, that's his fate because he did not motivate himself to find solutions to his problems. Maybe, he liked to go on living that way, and you sensed that it's not. Today's generation, is a must to find a job and live life to the fullest. You are not only the one who crosses life like that. Just go on with your life and make the most of it, and try to help your father,with what you have. Little by little you can help him through good relation with him while you are living. Last thing, we have to earn to live, not the other way around.
• India
27 Jan 11
Ya right. I shall be doing that. Thank you for the response.
@hlgmdt (300)
• Philippines
27 Jan 11
This is an interesting question. It sounds philosophical. For me, it's both. We live to earn and we earn to live. The statement 'we live to earn' connotes more of the purpose of our existence. We are here on this earth (we live) and we are expected to do something (to earn). However, in a practical sense, to sustain life, then we must earn, hence it becomes a 'earn to live'. Especially nowadays that the world is faced with poverty and economic problems, we begin to feel that we 'earn to live'.
• India
27 Jan 11
Yes, that is why i have put forward this question to you MyLotters. The world is facing economic crisis and they are going to increase in near future, because the expectations of people are going high with limited resources left on the earth now.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
28 Jan 11
I think we earn to live..not live to earn. In order to live the life we want and for our family too- we work hard all day, until we are forced to retire. Sometimes, it is the other way around though, like we live to earn since it's what we need to after school (some don't even finish school and work already).. Some people forget their family since they're too busy working.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
8 Jun 11
I think we earn to live... But I do agree with you, I pity those who come from big families who have to put their life on hold in order to help their siblings finish school. They're lucky if their family is grateful to them...
• India
27 Jan 11
we must earn to is nothing to our life if not food or life.we know that parent are god to us.they spent their life for our good future or good career.even our parent gives us happy or not,, we must give them happiness because they are our baby time we are responsible to our parent but when they are old we must have responsibility to treat them happily.
@murtaza45 (173)
• India
27 Jan 11
so friends i am for earn live for change any problem for solve.i have for earn to earn in your life to growth our power to many time our my story for job not to but i am stand up to earn in my life me.