devil may cry 4, needs 5th version?

January 27, 2011 10:00pm CST
My first devil may cry game version was 3. I liked Dante when he did awesome jokes. I heard from one of my friend about 4th version and I really couldn't wait to play when I heard about a new character "Nero" is coming a long long and long times ago. Glad to played with both favorite characters, Nero and Dante. Thanks to Ubisoft because they still made Dante joker:D . A long time have passed after 4th version. I'm sure many people loved it. I WISH DEVIL MAY CRY 5 TO PLAY. ALL THE VERSIONS WAS AWESOME OF DMC. I'M SURE 5 IS GONNA BE MORE COOL! BUT YET, UBISOFT IS NOT THINKING OF 5TH VERSION. Why? Don't they know a lot people like DMC? Do you think 5th needed to release? Please share me your thinking. Thanks
1 response
@navi33 (113)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
Hi. It's good to find someone that appreciates good games like i do. But if you haven't heard about DMC5, Its already being produced. But for me, if you checked the trailer on youtube, im kinda not into that new lead character. He claims hes Dante but hes all new looks. I don't know bout you, but i kinda loved Dante that making a new look for him disappoints me. I don't know. I just hope they have something to back him up.