Is pop corn a healthy snack?

@chavezrmc (6095)
February 1, 2011 12:03am CST
I bought pop corn the other day and it seems a good way not to eat too much rice but im not sure if this belongs to a healthy snack. Anyway who have idea about this?
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8 responses
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
1 Feb 11
No salt, no butter, no flavoring like cheese or barbecue, no sugar, in other words popcorn that is bland and uninteresting, yes, it is a healthy snack if ask some nutritionists. But in my opinion, even with all the above, I still think popcorn is a healthy snack as long as you eat it in moderation.
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@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
1 Feb 11
i will remember all what you have said guys, and i hope this will help me flatten my belly without not much rice in the evening hahaha.
• India
1 Feb 11
Popcorn is a very Healthy Snack as it is a rich source of fibre and is also a good source of carbohydrates as it is a wholegrain food. It is very low in calories (around 30 calories for plain pops) , that it would reduce your levels of calorie intake. All said , the main culprit that makes it not good for health is not the pop corn but the oil in which is popped and the flavourants added . It is always best to choose to pop the corns in a healthy oil such as the canola oil which is considered healthier. The pop corns you get in Movie theatres are not good for health as it has around 1500 calories , thanks to the butter and other flavours that are added to it to make it tasty. So Popcorn can be Healthier as well as not-healthy depending upon how it is cooked. It is always good to have plain popcorn and that made in ovens rather than go for the movie stuff. Popcorn is also a rich source of oxygen which comes helpful in Hilly regions.
@chavezrmc (6095)
• Philippines
1 Feb 11
thank you now i know what to post in here, those things that i have little knowledge of. Well i will try to get some good oil to cook it with.
@celticeagle (160806)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Feb 11
Popcorn is very good snack. It is very low in fat and calories and high in fiber. Air popped is the most nutritios. One cup supplies 6 grams of carbohydrates. Popcorn contains no trans or saturated fats which are the worst for you. My daughter loves popcorn and whenever we go to the theater she has to have a bag.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
1 Feb 11
If you have it plain, then yes, but if you have it with butter and salt or other condiments, then no, it's unhealthy.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
1 Feb 11
Pop corn is fiber rich food, what makes it bad is the oil from butter and margarine, also the practice of putting too much salt or sugar in caramel popcorn.
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1 Feb 11
ofcourse pop corn is not unhealty.but on to nutrition.corn isn't exactly a powerhouse of nutrition.for hard working cultures it provided easy energy for long days of.but for modern days the most we do is to walk to the fridge"to hunt for food". so when we look at pop corn it isn't great. it has 2% vitamin c and 6% iron. most do not eat little but they eat eat full bag. that gets into the range of 50-100g depending upon how the pop corn is flavored
• United States
1 Feb 11
It is a very healhty snack if it is prepared correctly! If you dump a bunch of butter on it or buy the prepackaged stuff loaded with added ingredients then it's not too good for you. However, it alone is a natural food and is considered a whole grain.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
1 Feb 11
I think it is not except you can made your own with butter and sugar which according to me its bland. I occasionally made it at home and a butter is a must if you wanna a tasty pop corn. I also love popcorn thats coated with caramel because its made the popcorn so tasty and made you wanna more and more. I think if you are not consume it every day, it will be alright. If you wanna healthy snack the only option is fruit, others food not really sure especially chips who contain a lot of salt and preservative.