Should there be 'best discussion' in Mylot...?

February 16, 2011 1:29am CST
We are all aware that there is 'best response' for every discussion which is marked by the mylotter who starts the discussion.But we see no discussion marked as 'best discussion'.Is it not strange? The members participating in the discussion cannot select any discussion as best one and more over it is not fair and also leads to confussion.There are many discussions started in mylot daily and it is a very difficult task.I feel there should be a committee comprising of members of mangement who should decide the 'the best'discussion for the month under each category and the starter should also be rewarded monetarily.Please share your views...
4 responses
• Philippines
16 Feb 11
i think that is a awesome idea....yes admins....what do you think? it would make the mylotters think of better questions if the rewards are a little bit bigger for! ;-D
• India
17 Feb 11
That is what I thought and started the above discussion.That will definitely give incentive to mylotters to think and start good discussions instead of staring routine discussions about their personal problems and irreleavant matters.I also feel a discussion should be such as to evoke thinking and reasoning for posting responses..
• Philippines
18 Feb 11
yes...we are both on the same wavelength! =D
@jujunme (2501)
• United States
10 Mar 11
There are well over 200,000 members here and on any given day there are thousands and thousands of dicussions started my these members.Never mind the hundreds of interests. it would be literally impossible to choose a "best" discussion.What would be the criteria for choosing which ones are best? In my opinion, it would be very unfair to the members to have a commitee voting on what "they" feel is the best discussion,since it would be their opinion only that would other words , what a few people may consider to be the best, may not be to most others. Also the admin has a tough enough job keeping up with all of these discussions, to add more to this would just be too much.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
16 Feb 11
Every day on the home page we can see the highest rated discussion from the previous day. We, the users, choose that and I believe that it shoulkd remain that way without concerning admin.
• Canada
16 Feb 11
Oooh yes, I agree wholeheartedly. A question though... As the mylot user you seem to be... if I spew a page worth of BS in this here comment box, do I get more money? Obviously it's for the betterment of the website if I post logical information and opinions, but just for curiosity's sake, do I make more if I post more? And how long will it take me to get a 10$ payout?