Moms working at Home

February 17, 2011 3:03am CST
I was once worked in a multinational company however it was very stressful. I was still single then. I used to be working at 8am and finishes at 9pm. I don't have time to mingle with my friends or have quality time with my family. I gave up my career when I my baby was born. I decided to be at home and look for a job online. It's good that I managed to have a job even if it don't give me a high salary. I am enjoying my stay at home. I have time for my child and my husband. How about you? Would you also do the same, to stop working in a good company just to look after your family?
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19 responses
@VisonTech (258)
• United States
17 Feb 11
I was laid off about two years ago and ended up becoming a stay at home dad. i have searched and searched or work with no luck. I have been throwing up the idea to start my own distillery but for now I'm content watching my son. Maybe when he heads to school I will try to get back in the job game. For now i love cooking for my family and training my kid to use the potty and all that comes with parenting. I was hard to adjust at first but I try to embrace it now.
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• Italy
17 Feb 11
I acutally wouldn't because I know myself: at my 30s I'd be sitting on the sofa holding my baby while wondering why I spent so much money to get a bachelor and a master to stay at home. Plus, I've had good example from women in my family who had 5 kids (like my grandma) or 4 (like my aunt) and managed to work and being moms and wives with no problems. In particular my grandma always tells me that being mom and wife is not a job, but a pleausure since a husband and a baby are blessings. Also, I wouldn't dare to leave my jobe because if the possible consequences: my husband could lose the job and there would be no salary at all; I could not access any tipe of pension; one day, when my kids will become you men and women they could need that pension; what if my son/daughter wanted to get to college, where would I take the money from (I've had this problem, so I couldn't stress wnough about this); my husband could hold against me the fact that he paid everything (it happens in lot of families and it's sad); I couldn't define myself properly independet financially talking; last but not least, I don't want my kids to feel guilty because their mom left her career because of them (i know mom leave the job because of their love, but you never know what a kid can think...) I talk as a kid who has faced many problems because of financial matters, and if I got over, is simply because my parents had BOTH a stable job, if my mom were a houswife we would probably live under a bridge...
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@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
17 Feb 11
I am a stay home mom as well, I would like to find a stay home job so I could help with the financial problem that we are having but I don't know where I can look for. Can you share what you are doing at home for work? I think it would be exhausted to work as well as taking care of the baby after work. I have been retired since 3 years old.
27 Feb 11
hi merma! Currently, I am working in a freelancer site, I am working for 5 hours a day. I think it's good to somehow have an income for myself and also to help my husband. I am also enjoying my work online. Thanks everyone for the overwhelming responses.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
28 Feb 11
Thanks for sharing!!! I'm gonna post a profile there and see if I can find anything.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
17 Feb 11
My wife did! She started a home business just to keep busy while I and the children ware away at job and school. She is just fine with even now, 20 years later! Good luck to you!
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
17 Feb 11
What business does your wife do? I am a stay homemom, I would like to do some business at home as well.. but I don't know where to start.
@johan143 (164)
• Philippines
18 Feb 11
lucky for you, i also do love to be at home taking care of my kids and our needs but the thing is that presently the family income is not sufficient enough to settle for our financial needs. i have three lovable (3) kids that we support and my husband's income is not enough for all our expense such as schooling, foods and bills to pay.
@shuley (368)
18 Feb 11
Yes, as a matter of fact I am a plain housewife, I worked before in a government agency. When I got married I resigned because I had to go with my husband place of work, now I'm happy with our two son.
@caraj444 (1075)
• Canada
17 Feb 11
I think its much more fulfilling to be at home with your children while they are young as long as you can accept living within the means you have i stayed home with my children until they were in school and this meant giving up certain things that werent essentials but found it much more rewarding to be home now that they are in school i work again and its nice to have the extra money again but i wouldnt change anything but some people cant stay home and be happy so i think whatever makes a person happy and fulfilled with make them be a better parent i do think that the key with working parents is to try to be in the moment as much as possible at work really focus on work and at home really focus on the kids so that they dont end up feeling guilty or feeling like there not giving one area of there life too little attention
@GardenGerty (158226)
• United States
17 Feb 11
I ran a home daycare when my children were small. I also drove school bus when they were in school. They will never be little again, so you had just as well be at home with them while they are small.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
17 Feb 11
i quit working after the birth of our first daughter and became a stay at home mom. i ended up selling avon for the time that i stayed home (we had another daughter 4 years later). i then went back to work part time at a few different jobs. i have been at the one i am working at now for 4 years.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 11
Yes I would. Once I was also a very hardworking girl but due to depression I work on and off in the job I had and I kept changing jobs every now and then. Now that my mom is aged I switch to flexible job to take care of my mom and dad also. In the family I also have a junior brother but he has moved out ever since my mom broke her wrist.I am doing household chores every day and spent some time working in the afternoon, sometimes morning in a market research company and at night I online to earn. Mostly I work flexible because I have depression and lump in my uterus.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
18 Feb 11
weird but the exact is happening to me. i had my kids early, i was 19 when i gave birth to my eldest daughter who is now 6 and in grade 1 and then i had my second one who is now 4 when i was finishing college and after college, i know i had to look for a job to be able to sustain my kids even though my husband has decent work and can provide for us, i know it isn't enough. So i did look for work and i am now working as a marketing officer in a private company. It is hard to find time for the kids but still i can manage and the thought of being a stay at home mother frightens me, yes it does probably because i am afraid i might not be able to give them what they need, since they are now in school and with all the tuition fee increase, plus other commodities plus house rent plus daily expenses. the thought of giving up this work scares me. Plus we also have a one year old baby, i just had him last year, so i now have three kids to raise. SO i am juggling myself, career woman and a mother and wife. That is why i really envy also those stay at home moms, who can work at home and still find time for the kids, i would surely love to be there iwth them always, to be able to bring them to school, attend their PTA's on time ( since i am always late on PTA's) or to be able to stay at home and bake them cake and cookies for them to eat when they arrive.. it is something i am desiring but right now i know i cannot give. I need this career to be able to provide them well with their necessities plus online work here in my country is not that it is hard to find work at home that could provide for them well.
@dreamnishu (1247)
• China
17 Feb 11
now i am a medical student so it is not possible for me to stop my work for my family but i really want to spend my time with my family and my kids.i really want to manage all together. because family and my job two are part of my life.i want to be a good mom and also a good doctor at a time. thanks a lot.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
17 Feb 11
Hi sweety! When I have my own family if there is no problems regarding financial and what soever things, I would love to stay and be a full-time housewife. That is a wonderful time to see and watch by myself the way we take care of the family and seeing the children growing up in front of my eye, that will be my precious time. I was once babysitted my sister's children and I felt sad when I need to stop taking care of them once I got a job as I am a bit worry to let my sister send them to nursery as for me, it is better for children to be taken care by their own family rather than others. This show me a lesson to not be a working mom in a future. However working online at home is fine.
• United States
17 Feb 11
I would absolutely love to work at home and that's what I'm looking into. I still need some more websites that I know will pay and will pay enough. All I need is a couple hundred dollars a week as of now working full time. How is it that you make a living online? I would love to know any more websites that I can to try to make this dream possible for me.
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
17 Feb 11
Hi Even my gurl used to work in a multinational company as a wellbeing consultant. The timings were supposed to be 9-5, but invariably, my gurl could never come home before 7:30 or 8 PM. We got got fed up with it and she resigned from her job.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
17 Feb 11
Hi Crib, I would love to be a stay at home mom to have more time with my family but present condition wouldn't allow it. I have a full time job during weekdays, and I do my online job at night and during weekends.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
17 Feb 11
That depends if my husband can provide for all our needs. Provision is important to sustain your family , so you should ask each other if you could just stay at home and take care of the baby. If not, who will take care of the baby, things like that should be given consideration.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
17 Feb 11
Yes I'd love to, in fact my registration to Cash Gopher is pending coz I cannot pay the reg. fee on line. I don't have a credit card, I only have the SMC master card electronic which I cannot use to pay with. Now I'm wondering how I can pay soon as possible so I can start. I only have 32 cents in my mylot account
@neliasni (76)
• Indonesia
17 Feb 11
My whole life, I have never worked. After graduating from high school, I later married. I do not work, just as housewives only. My first husband is an entrepreneur, I occasionally helped my husband. After a divorce from my first husband. I am married to a retired navy. My husband and I are now, does not work. We live on a pension. I've had enough with my husband's retirement money, so I do not have to work. I spent a lot of time, with my husband at home.