The Neighbor's Horse

United States
February 17, 2011 8:27pm CST
It was hot in the house but not hot enough to turn on the air-conditioner so I opened the windows to bring some natural air in the house.I figured it would save money on electricity that way since it wasn't that hot. The neighbor's horses were loose and while I was opening the windows my nine year old son said I wouldn't do that if I was you because the horses will jump into the window to get into the house. His voice while he was saying that sounded a little scared. I told him they won't do that so he calmed down right away.I thought that was so cute and funny.
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4 responses
• United States
18 Feb 11
Aww lol! Glad you were able to calm him down Did you point out to your son that the horses might be a little to big to fit through the windows?
• United States
18 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. They weren't even interested in anything but thinking that our grass was better tasting then their own as the saying goes the grass is always better on the other side. That is exactly how they feel. LOL.
• United States
18 Feb 11
Uh oh!!! Lol. So they actually get into your yard and eat your grass? Is that a big nuisance for you, or you don't really mind?
• United States
19 Feb 11
I don't really mind. They don't seem to ruin anything. About the biggest problem might be them using the bathroom in my yard but they don't get lose enough for that to be a problem. Sometimes it bothers me if they do that during the summer and tromp on all of my flowers and other things.Other then that it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is when their goats get loose.Have a good weekend!
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
22 Feb 11
Hi. margeryann. Lol!! Ahhh, your son has a great sense of humor that is about him! I know if my kids said anything like that, I would be killing myself laughing. Children have a wild imagination and it can be so funny sometimes. I am glad that you had a great smile with your son.
• United States
22 Feb 11
Cream97, Thank you for commenting. Yes, kids can be very funny with their imagination. It did make me smile. I bet your kids know how to make you laugh too. You have a good week!
@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
18 Feb 11
Never had that problem growing up, would've loved it... but... Glad he calmed down, I have seen horses almost tear themselves up to get to that "greener" grass. I'm sure that horses and cows that do that reaching/jumping thing is how the saying came about "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". Except in the world of Jasper Fforde "Shades of Gray" where its only greener if the chromo-color is added more to the other side!
• United States
18 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting.That's exactly why these horses were in my yard. They thought our grass was better then theirs. They were more interested in the grass then anything.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
18 Feb 11
Absolutely, so cute. Too bad you have it recorded. That would have made for a great "Kids say the darndest things" video. I remember my nephew asking me something funny one time, he was probably around 7 at the time. We were sitting around discussing birthdays, and whose came first throughout the year and such. He said "If my birthday comes before yours, then why are you older than me." That was one of those moments I don't think that I will ever forget. Enjoy him while he is young. As they do grow up so quick! Hilarious discussion, margeryann. Take care and good luck to you in all you do!
• United States
18 Feb 11
Thank you for commenting. It was very funny. He is always saying something funny and cute.I know your right. Kid do grow up fast. Time flies way too fast. That is so cute what your nephew said and funny too. Very cute. Thank you for sharing that.