What do you think you were put on this earth to do?

@mark98 (567)
February 21, 2011 5:39am CST
Procreate. The same as everyone else. Do I such things? No, I do not for I am not a person who just goes off instinct. I have a brain that lets me do more than think about finding a mate. I use it for other endeavors such as helping my fellow man and dispelling ignorance, whether it be willful or otherwise.
4 responses
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
Hi mark98, I think I'm here on earth to enjoy life, help my fellow citizens, and praise God, above all. Procreation is just one of the reasons God created us, but there are also other things, such as learn how to cultivate and share our God-given talents. Stay happy!
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
22 Feb 11
I am here on earth to make a distinct mark of my own. With all the bad people around, maybe i am here to show them that i could still be good despite of them. Maybe i am here to be able to show how being forgiving could make a difference in the lives of the people i relate to. Maybe i am here to show to everybody that one could still be happy on simple things.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 11
A person is born in a particular country as a baby and he or she grows up over a period of time. From a young age I knew that I wanted the travel to different countries in the world. From my teenage years onwards my life has been about travel. In my twenties I went to university and became a primary school teacher. In my teaching I can make a difference and help children develop their potential.
@NetaChat (25)
• Philippines
21 Feb 11
I think we are placed on this earth to worship and commune with God originally. After all, we were made into His image and likeness. But due to the sin of our first parent, the human race is now on earth and far from the dwelling of God. So the only way back to God's dwelling place is to live life on earth acknowledging Jesus Christ as the Saviour of our souls and the only way back to God is to love others and live for His glory.