Does religion need to be defended?

@gengeni (3308)
February 21, 2011 4:33pm CST
What's the sense of religion? what is the purpose of defending the religion.? Many teaching that said that we need to defend religion, and even die to defend religions. Some say religion A or B is true religion. If religion did not exist on this earth, whether that truth will be lost as well? Is God not able to communicate the truth directly into the human self. Frankly if we defend the religion, what are we really defending? Religion, teaching, or who created the religion, or we are defending God from those who insult God. If there are people who insult God, what God can not change people's hearts, so if we need to help God. What's that in the search by humans in the world? "Religion or truth"? Many people defend the religion but never seek the truth.
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7 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 11
Someone choose and believe their religion, by faith, with the chosen religion. trust means believing in the truth of his religion. not needed to find the truth of a religion, if we believe. in defense of religion, every religion has rules. so far, which occurred in Indonesia is not to defend religion, but sin, because religion never taught to do it.
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 11
Well, I'm interested in your opinion.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
23 Feb 11
I'm glad you liked my opinion.
@rifnee (1713)
• Indonesia
21 Feb 11
Religion is the human way of life technical guidelines which should, according to Creating a distinguished man. Religion does not need a defense, because no single human being who can hurt. Religion is not the purpose of man, but religion leads people to know his way of life. Religion is not a need plea, but chastity Contents of Religious content that must be maintained. That needs a defense are the ones who have run the command in accordance with the instructions of Religion (not his religion distinguished behind).
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@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 11
Beyond talking about the need or not for a defense of religion, I think it depends on the individual assessment of each, and you give the reason of this.
@nakula2009 (2325)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 11
Ideology ... people willing to sacrifice his life for something that is "ideal" initial issue ... ideology of each party different ... The next problem when the ideological differences that met in a "land" next next issue the parties have differences were trying to fight "land" is problems following the next following "Land" was won by by a party, to defeat the ideology contrary to the winner .... and those who win the dominant "land" is The following issues following the next following those who feel defeated, then opposition tries to seize "land" is back, and aim to dominate the "land" again following following following following problems next will never run out things grabbing "land" because of ideological differences stop problems if .. both parties can negotiate conflicting ideology problems of post-stop unilaterally aborted negotiations The following issues of post-stop ideological conflict and struggle for "land" happens again tired so, the parties opposing ideology better do your thing, and let Them do Their
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
23 Feb 11
Nope. We have our free will to have any religion or even do not have one. It always it end up in a heated discussion.
• Indonesia
22 Feb 11
Not just religion, God just needs to be helped. "If you help God, then God will help you .." so Scripture gives information. Of course, that meant helping God here is not in the sense of denotative, but connotative meaning, ie run away from God's commands and prohibitions, the god will rescue you. Thus, to defend our religion can also interpret as a religious practice. If religion is the resume practicing, of course the world will be peaceful, because evil will decline.
@najibdina29 (1309)
• Indonesia
22 Feb 11
Religion, in this case I specialize in the holy book ...., contains a lot of things to sorted out precisely with the moral character ... every man owned since birth. If not can actually make us immoral ..., sorry ..., but it does happen, right?
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
22 Feb 11
"Many people defend the religion but never seek the truth." You are very correct here. Frankly I follow my religion for my personal uplift. I would not be aggressive about it. Understand and teach religion for the spirit of it, going by letter may actually be going against it!