Happiness Comes From Within Not Outside

February 23, 2011 3:16am CST
People often search for happiness in his life when he is surrounded by sorrows. He generally forget those days which he had spent happily . It is true that eveyone's has got his or her share of happiness and sorrows. The more valuable to think is all about how to spend the sorrow also in a better way. People before crying on sorrows should try to find out what made him sorrow or what resulted in sorrows. It is better always to remember that life is worth living. Living for a cause is better than the life without a cause. Cause may be differ from person to another. One person may be interested in something whereas other may be interested in other. By looking at our children behavior also we can learn a lot of thing. Children will forget their sadness within a moment. We should try to inculcate this wonderful habit from them. Life without sorrow is impossible. Greet the sorrows with a broad smile and try to finding out the reasons behind it and if possible try to make solutions. It will not only help in removing sorrows to some extent and but help in self motivation. Finally we can say that happiness comes from within not outside. Everything lies within us and search outside is only wasting our precious time. Be Happy, Be Energetic and Be Positive should be our motive in life.
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11 responses
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
Happiness is a state of mind. One can be truly happy if he sets his mind into it. It can also be achieved through contentment and acceptance. Our own perspective towards life also affects the attainment of happiness.
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@hotsummer (13835)
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
yes happiness can be also a state of mind also. but hard to stay happy.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
24 Feb 11
We must look for happiness and contentment even if some of our life circumstances stink!
@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
24 Feb 11
Some might say that it easily said than done. But I truly believe in your statement that our life will be happy if we chose to be happy. We do not need to wait for some external factors to be happy but by choosing it yourself. I think external factors will just follow when you have chosen who you wanted to be.
@Liliac26 (557)
• Romania
24 Feb 11
I mostly agree with what you wrote. But while our attitude to life is probably the most important aspect, I think external things do (and should) influence our happiness. When something bad happens to us or to someone we love, we should feel bad about it, we should express pain, and not be ashamed to be openly unhappy. That's how we can actually get over the bad things and go searching for the positive. Happiness and unhappiness are both part of this world, and that's just life. We should accept it.
• United States
24 Feb 11
I agree. Happiness is within. If you don't have it within, no matter how hard you try it will reflect on the outside. No matter what happens in life you always have to find your happiness for you and no one else. People are always going through different situations and most of the time others can tell when they are. You always have to be happy with your life and the people in it.
• India
23 Feb 11
What you say is very true. Laughter and tears are an integral part of everybody’s life. Yet, when times are bad for me, its not children who cheer me up as their minds are not mature and its but natural that they will forget. When I’m sad and down, its people in similar situations or worse than me, that I think of. I try to understand how they are coping, what they are going thru and how resilient they are. Everytime I have a bad patch, I tell myself that I’m not the only person who’s suffering...there are others in worse conditions YET, they all are struggling to have better times, struggling to move ahead. Such people inspire me a lot, my personal suffering become trivial in comparison.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
23 Feb 11
It sounds like a proverb that "searching for baby while they are at our home only". Happiness is a property, that we have in our body itself. It is in built in our heart. We all are having all the emotions in our heart. But they will come according to the situations like problems, happy moments, sad times, more LOL times....etc., What ever the situation it is: "Don't blown up for happiness, Don't depressed for sadness", we have maintain the train of life in normal mode only. Have a nice day, God bless you.
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
my happiness is when i got an ideal husband and adorable baby girl. that's my greatest happiness in life provided by God Almighty.
• United States
23 Feb 11
I agree with you that positivity and happiness should be our ultimate goal in life. We tend to look at clothes, shoes, money, electronics and etcetera to make us happy. But, those little things don't really have a huge effect on us, they just provide some form of entertainment. But things like love and friendship are really what makes us a happy in the inside.
@staria (2780)
• Philippines
23 Feb 11
They say that those who look the happiest are the saddest person on Earth. You can always flash a big smile on your face but might lack the joy w/n. Most people are in this state and I myself experience this once in a while. If they only knew what lies behind those smiles..