regular visit to doctor

@any123 (78)
February 26, 2011 7:04am CST
we all know we should really visit doctor in time. when we are really healthy should we still visit the doctor? is it so necessary?
3 responses
• India
26 Feb 11
I do not think we should visit the doctor if there is nothing wrong with us. Some people visit doctor because they have some sort of a imaginary sickness. The sickness might turn real. Some doctors might see you as their prospective customer and he might fill your hearts with fears about sickness that might not even exist. Go to doctor if you are really ill and not otherwise.
@any123 (78)
• India
26 Feb 11
Thanks. doctors are not meant justt to make make. They advice you the best they feel.
• India
26 Feb 11
any I am talking about the bad fish in the pond that makes the whole pond dirty. I have had some real bad experience.
@any123 (78)
• India
26 Feb 11
hope those experience never happens to other.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
26 Feb 11
I think a bi-yearly check up is always necessary. Do I do this? No, absolutely not. LOL. I want to but I don't have health insurance right now (I'm awaiting acceptance to a state program). I think it's important..Just in case, you know?
@any123 (78)
• India
26 Feb 11
ok. twice a year is good. we may not know when and how much we are ill. two times a year might tell us are we really all right?
@camomile07 (1420)
• Germany
26 Feb 11
It's right that we usually go to the doctor when we feel sick. But a regular visit - even once a year - to make a check up for a control of our health may avoid serious problems. There are some illnesses which need a time, sometimes days or even weeks or month until we start to feel the first simptomes and when they appear, it can be too late for any improvement. So even once a year, we should make a control to check up our health, even if we feel all right.