Have you ever had any thing stolen from you?

@ladym33 (10979)
United States
February 26, 2011 6:02pm CST
I have had a few things stolen from me in my life. My purse was stolen once, my tennis racket was stolen from my car one time, and some money was stolen from my purse during a party. Nothing major, but certainly inconvenient. Have you ever had any thing stolen from you before?
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14 responses
@JohnMach (550)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
I've had a lot of things stolen from me like a pair of shoes, my mobile phone, and a lot of thins too. I have to go through all the measures to find them but turned out they were stolen.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
27 Feb 11
That is no fun. Having a purse or wallet stolen is the worst.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
27 Feb 11
I recently had a $300.00 commercial-grade Stihl weed-eater stolen from me. Whoever got it walked up onto my front porch and took it while I was at work...
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
27 Feb 11
That was pretty bold. That reminds me I did have a box stolen off of my porch once that had been delivered. I left the house and saw the box there, but I was late picking up my son from school so I just went thinking it would be fine for a few minutes, when I got back it was gone.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
About ten years ago, our household help stole the precious old coins that we had kept in a closet. At the time we acquired these coins, we really had no idea of its value but we kept the whole lot in a top section of one of our closets. Since all of us work, only the household help would be in the house most of the time. I had no idea that they have gone through all the coins and just left those that had no value. I looked at the coins' value online and to my dismay the ones that they got are those that had gold and silver in them. These people even left the house without giving us any notice. My mother and I went grocery shopping and when we got home they were gone. They had been employed for about four months and we thought that we could trust these people because my brother got them from his farm in the province. These two girls even left a phone bills for collect calls from the province. Since then, we have been wary of getting any household help because of this experience.
• United States
27 Feb 11
I had a pretty expensive video camera stolen out of my purse during school when I was younger. I am still upset about that actually, but what could i do? I hate not being able to find things, and that camera was brand new. I suppose that I haven't quite gotten over it, which is why my thoughts are kind of disorderly, but this is years later, and the things I have gotten since then quite make up for it.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
27 Feb 11
only when I actually went there to get it, there was this unloyal girlfriend that not only had two faces but she was borrowing cds with me all the time and didn't return like I was stupid or something, she stopped talking to me so that was too much, I nock on her door and got my stuff back, she shaked LOLOLOL
• Pakistan
27 Feb 11
This post recall my horrible experience of being robbed. It was 9:15 PM I was just walking on the road then I just turned in a street the street was empty because of coldness. Then Boooom..... three guys on the bike came from behind and one of them take out his 9mm pistol he reload the pistol it was the worst sound I ever heard. Then they asked me to give them my cell phone and purse at that I had cell phone in my hand and I had not purse at that time I give my cell phone to them I was just praying that they don't shoot me whatever they want I will give them. They took my cell phone and checked my pockets there was nothing in my pockets then they ride on their bike and gone away. Thank God I am alive. It was a horrible experience ever.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Personally over time, there have been a lot of things that have stolen from me, and many of them can never be regained back even if I tried. I came from an abusive life so sometimes I feel that is a lot of it, and then I have had $$ stolen from me, Bus tickets, etc. There for a short time in my life it got to the point where it was really hard to Trust anyone and I just had to eventually learn to work thru it and move on.
@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Not that I know of. My great niece had a scooter stolen, because she left it out on the sidewalk.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
27 Feb 11
Yes, I've had our travel money stolen from us when we traveled. But that was my ex's fault because he forgot it somewhere and when he remembered it was gone.
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
There was one time when money was stolen from my wallet inside our house. We couldn't figure out who did it.. until we realized that it was my little brother's playmate ( He was only 10!) who took the money.. and he also took some money from my brother's wallet which we didn't realize until the mom of the playment went to our house to say sorry and to return the money. What surprised me the most was that how could a 10-year-old kid think about stealing money, and actually do it. I mean, wasn't he even scared if he get caught? It was shocking and really an eye opener for all of us.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
hello lady, Yes,the worst experience i had is when i lost money amounting US$350. I lost few small things not so expensive,but my kids few times lost their mobile phones (ugh!) Well,better than being robbed and lost everything especially important documents or ID's. Have a great Sunday
@laniekins (4579)
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
My purse was stolen too while I was riding jeepney. My cellphone was stolen in my own room while I am taking a bath, can you imagine that? My wood window was partly broken but I'm sure not even a child can fit that so we suspect it was an inside job.
• Philippines
27 Feb 11
2 years ago my entire backpack was stolen from the locker. It cotains my wallet with all my credit cards, atm, money, etc; my iphone, some clothes and some books. The experience was really terrible. Because I was working at the hospital then and that bag was really important.
• Canada
27 Feb 11
i have had small things stolen from me such as cellphone and small amounts of money as well as c.d.'s nothing ever that large but even these small things were hard you feel violated to some extent i could not imagine if someone took something of more value to me how i would feel