How does Marijuana effect the brain?

United States
March 7, 2011 12:19am CST
So you've heard all the stigmas on marijuana but how do you feel about it? I believe that there a medicinal properties in the plant and that in no way can it be as harmful as tobacco, or alcohol. I do know for a fact that the human brain has natural Canabinoid Recptors and when you smoke marijuana it bridges these receptors to achieve the thc feeling. Whats your take?
2 responses
• United States
7 Mar 11
I think to accurately respond to this discussion, every responder should smoke some before would be interesting to answer this with a buzz.
• United States
7 Mar 11
Joking, of course!
@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
7 Mar 11
I would be careful about this as the West Coast States all have it decriminalized for anything under 1 oz of the stuff. Also they have it where it is serving a Medical Purpose. So their is enough support for it to be used for medical purposes.
@cheravs (619)
• Philippines
7 Mar 11
I know small fact from mj that it has lead content and that is dangerous to our brain. When you say lead it is a metal substance i guess and cause for concern...