I am down to 3 forks 5 knives and 8 spoons.

@suehan1 (4344)
March 10, 2011 6:38pm CST
Where does all my cutlery go to? I bought a new set of cutlery about 3 months ago and most of it has vanished.I am now resorting to using disposable cutlery as I refuse to buy anymore until my adult children stop throwing them in the bin with their scraps. Thats the only logical explanation I have for them going missing. What goes missing in your household ?
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14 responses
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
11 Mar 11
Haven't you heard of "the cutlery collecting cavemouse"? There these little mice that collect peoples cutlery to use as buttresses in their caves- the glare of the silverware also deters would be predators... My suggestion, get yourself a metal detector, and use it to find the furry little rodents caves out in your area. :D Pfhaha, could make a whole story out of that me-thinks. I find bowls go missing around my household, same with pencils and pens, and oddly enough, shoes :S
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
Thanks for the heads up on the little cavemouse. I am the same with pens and pencils , but the rolls of sticky tape missing in this house I think there must be a little mouse that takes them as well. Cheers Sue
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
11 Mar 11
Oooh, tape is a problem for me as well.
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@watergirl (567)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
I always lose precious time looking for missing socks (my hubby's and kid's), silverware, mugs, pencils, and puzzle pieces. Since having kids, losing things became usual in the house. My kids would eat and just leave forks under the sofa, in the garden, on the computer table, in the toy box, etc. I've actually thought of installing a CCTV in our house so I can monitor where missing things go. Anyway, I found out that we also had rodents in the house that collect socks and other small things and hide them under the floorboards. I brought home a cat and that solved our rodent problem. However, my cat developed a knack for collecting and hiding stuff which includes socks... But I love my kids and my cat nevertheless. If it means buying new socks and other stuff, so be it!
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
Yes I love my little rodents or shall I say my children as well. If I installed a CCTV it would be working overtime in this house. lol. Cheers Sue
@GardenGerty (158300)
• United States
11 Mar 11
There must be a magic portal that allows it all to migrate elsewhere, like my house. Now if it was really good stuff, it would not happen, but for some reason I have a huge drawer full of various sets of flat ware. I have had more people move in and out of my house and I have no youngsters coming here to take them away. I lose my mind, I lose important paperwork, I lose one of a kind things. I guess we all have a specialty in what we lose.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
I think there is a magic portal in each house. I have to admit that my cutlery drawer looks like a mix and match sort of situation, and I am positive you would not be able to match them up. Cheers Sue
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Mar 11
Teaspoons are what goes missing most from the cutlery drawer. I don't know where they go but it is such a more interesting place that they never come home again! Socks of course and books "move" although rarely are they lost forever. There's an international conspiracy I think! LOL.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
I think your right about the conspiracy p1ke, maybe its those teaspoon collectors . I think my dishwasher has eaten a few of teaspoons as well. Cheers Sue
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
11 Mar 11
Somebody has written this but this is the one that pissed me the most. Writing pens. I need them and has especially bought a lot so that they dun go missing quickly. Yet I failed again and again. And when things dun go my way I like to blame my husband because I think my children who the oldest is 14 are too innocent to be blamed for this 'crime'. In fact they keep their own pens in their school bags and would usually take out their own pens to use. I have also resort to tie them to the shelf and found them missing the moment I need them. I am now thinking of how to overcome this problem. One of the ways is to take the two ends of a metal chain and cement one end to the wall and the other end to be cemented to the pen. Next i will have to take up weights just so i can use my pen. i hate to start an argument because of some cheap pens so hopefully this tells him to LEAVE MY PEN ALONE!
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
I hope he gets the message .lol. I always am missing my pens and when I am on the phone and need one I can never find one, Last time I had to grab my daughters eye liner to use, she I hope she gets the hint when she finds her eyleiner a bit blunt.cheers Sue
• United States
11 Mar 11
My boyfriends socks go missing as if there is a one foot monster lurking in our home. He does his laundry at time and folds most of his clothes and the socks is something he will leave in a pile. So when I get to the pile I often notice that his socks are pairless. I so joke with him that if that particular week he only wore one. As for the cutlery, oh gosh do I remember this, when my son was younger for some reason our daily spoons and forks went missing. I could not keep track of them, in fact found myself buying the cheaper brands because it was getting way out of hand. The only thing I could come up with was that when I yelled to clean his room he must have literally cleaned, out with the cutlery he had in his room. lol
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
I think my daughter is a bit like your son. lol. Some days you need a tractor to clear out the mess. I bet there will a few forks in that heap of a mess.Cheers Sue
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Mar 11
Since I live by myself that is not a problem..sometimes after my little granddaughter leaves there are certain things rearranged....but I usually find them after a day or two...but nothing like missing cutlery!
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Mar 11
I think mine have been thrown out with the scraps or lurking in my daughters room.lol. Cheers Sue
@shaggin (71696)
• United States
11 Mar 11
I have probably 20 of each. My grandfather used to pick up things like that at yard sales all the time so we litterally have more cups and plates then we could ever use. When my ex moved out I went down in our canning cellar which is just filled with dishes that we arent using that were my grandfathers collections and got him lots of cups plates and silverware. Thats to bad that you just bought a whole brand new set 3 months ago and most of them are gone now :(
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Mar 11
Good on your grandfather for going to garage sales. I guess I could pick up some there as well and see how long they last here. Cheers Sue
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
11 Mar 11
I too was once throw away my family's cutlery because at that time I was depressed. I don't know what I was doing but after that my mother and father told me I did that. Its hard to believe what you can do if you are depressed.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Mar 11
Yes depression can make people do strange things.I am glad your parents told you otherwise you maybe eating with plastic knives and forks. Cheers Sue
@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
11 Mar 11
Oh I so feel what you are saying. We just replaced forks & drinking glasses in our home. I do believe we have the same culprits as well. ADULT CHILDREN!! This use to happen frequently when they were teenagers as well. I think now it is more of a case they take the silver ware & cups to their rooms and just leave them. My oldest son is 21 and lives in the basement, off of the basement they have an enclosed patio area and that is where they hang out together.... most of the dishes end up there. I have to go crazy every once in a while to get them all returned and washed.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Mar 11
I know what your saying, I have the same problem. It is usually after I chuck a hissy fit that some plates and cup usually turn up in the sink when I am not looking. The older they get the worse they are. Cheers Sue
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
14 Mar 11
Wow, that sucks! We have a draw full here....too many in fact and we just gave away some to a friend who was struggling and in need of some. My kids are always misplacing things, but usually just somewhere in their rooms. My daughter keeps losing USB memory sticks which she needs for school and just last week, she lost her new pair of shoes that I had only bought her the week before! I just keep losing my mind!
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
14 Mar 11
good response. I am losing my mind as well. I know how kids misplace their shoes and USB stick and many other things as well, but they usually turn up. I know with my cutlery they are getting thrown in the bin. Until they learn to put them in the dishwasher or sink they can use plastic. Thanks for the laugh cheers Sue
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
19 Mar 11
I find shoes all the time in the car park a the bowling alley, and I always hand them in. I thinks people walk out with them after they bowl and accidently drop them when they are carrying all their balls and things.I gues some one near your park has a new pair of shoes. Cheers Sue
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
14 Mar 11
Her shoes will not be turning up unfortunately as she left them at a park and did not realise until the next morning. I drove down there to see if I could find them, but I knew they would be gone as they were so new.
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@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
11 Mar 11
Its good that you are not buying anymore new cutlery to use. I don't think that we have ever lost cutlery before. We do have lots in case that we ever do lose any. I think the only thing that I have problems with losing is my socks. Because they are small and more easier to lose. Now I just do a count before I put them in the washer to make sure I didn't lose any by accident.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Mar 11
I think some washing machines eat socks, I know mine does. Good to hear you count your socks before they go in the wash, at least you know where they might of gone.Cheers sue
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
12 Mar 11
My hair ties and hair clips go missing all the time. I have to buy like new packs of them every other week. I don't know where in the world they disappear to. It annoys me a lot
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
12 Mar 11
I m glad I do not need hair clips and hair ties,for sure my daughter would take them as well. Cheers Sue
@thereza (314)
• Philippines
11 Mar 11
My slippers always missing when I left it in our door. I don't know why. and from now on i keep in my house already and no more missing.
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@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
11 Mar 11
You probably have a cute little animal taking your slippers from outside the house.My daughter always takes mine when she is home as she is to lazy to walk upstairs to get her own. Cheers Sue